A bit over half-a-million steps for August. And yet I'm back in the same chair I started the month in. #GymShimoda #Section31 #GreatestTrek
#gymshimoda #section31 #greatesttrek
#StarTrekDeepSpaceNine s6e18 (1998) - 10/10
Inquisition, written by #BradleyThompson and #DavidWeddle.
1️⃣ Superb! Clever! Dark!
2️⃣ Guest star #WilliamSadler is perfect. No surprise. #AlexanderSiddig does some of his best-ever work as Bashir. And it introduces the controversial concept of #Section31.
3️⃣ It's an episode that deftly switches from being one thing to another. Early scenes successfully build an incredible tension. Then, it shifts gear.
#startrekdeepspacenine #bradleythompson #davidweddle #williamsadler #AlexanderSiddig #section31
Actors’ Strike Set To Impact Star Trek Production And Promotion, Including Summer Conventions https://trekmovie.com/2023/07/15/actors-strike-set-to-impact-star-trek-production-and-promotion-including-summer-conventions/ #Conventions/Events/Attractions #StarTrek:StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrek:LowerDecks #StarTrekUniverseTV #startrekuniverse #Conventions #section31 #TrekonTV #CBSSTU #sdcc #STLV
#conventions #startrek #startrekuniversetv #StarTrekUniverse #section31 #trekontv #cbsstu #sdcc #stlv
Will #Section31 Want #AdmiralJaneway’s Body, Too? https://is.gd/2wYfcG #StarTrekVoyager #Screenrant
#section31 #admiraljaneway #startrekvoyager #screenrant
#AllStarTrek That really was an exciting two parter, full of action, intrigue, double crosses (was #Phlox working for #Section31 as well?), weird science, and the deployment of a goddamn bioweapon by Dr Phlox at the climax - whoa!😳😖👍
I'll say it again, I find it difficult to include this as Star Trek, but it does work as a really interesting (or nutty) #TwilightZone or #TheOuterLimits series.🙂
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #Divergence
#divergence #startrekenterprise #startrek #theouterlimits #twilightzone #section31 #phlox #AllStarTrek
The April isolinear chip for completing the #section31 challenge in #GymShimoda is a Borgs design and it is spectacular. Reistance is futile. #Fod #FriendsOfDeSoto
#section31 #gymshimoda #FoD #friendsofdesoto
Realised this morning that I've actually overshot my #Section31 goal for #gymshimoda this month. Feeling well chuffed! And also wondering if there's a Gym Shimoda for writers, because imagine if I had done equally well with revisions...
#AllStarTrek #DS9 #Section31 From day 1, both Sisko and Garak were subtly recruiting Bashir into the section.
Also not entirely sure how I’ll feel about an entire movie focused on #Section31 given their generally negative portrayal/reputation in other series, where they are show as doing questionable things.
Largely depends on how the story is handled I suppose.
#startreksection31 #startrek #section31
I’m excited we’ll get to see Michelle Yeoh in #StarTrek again, but whenever I see mirror universe Philippa Georgiou on screen, I wish we’d gotten to see more of the prime universe Philippa Georgiou.
#StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #Discovery #StarTrekSection31 #Section31
#section31 #startreksection31 #discovery #StarTrekDiscovery #startrek
#TheFullLid - 21st April 2023 - Happy Friday! This week we look at the connection between classic SF, #SlowHorses and #Section31, discover that #TheMandalorian concept art is The Way to great interstitials, and a serenade from the incomparable @jackblack@twitter.com. https://mailchi.mp/2ebffa258906/the-full-lid-24th-march-8853110
#TheFullLid #SlowHorses #section31 #themandalorian
Podcast: All Access Boards The Enterprise One Last Time For The ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Finale https://trekmovie.com/2023/04/21/podcast-all-access-boards-the-enterprise-one-last-time-for-the-star-trek-picard-finale/ #StarTrek:StrangeNewWorlds #AllAccessStarTrekPodcast #StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrek:Picard #Section31show #Section31
#startrek #allaccessstartrekpodcast #strangenewworlds #section31show #section31
@hipcinema Also hoping that the other creatives behind the scenes like Nami Melumad as film composer. I love her scores and would love to hear how she creates soundscapes for #Section31 plus an amazing theme song. Also all kinds of designers, the Section 31 Wardrobe by DISCO costume goddess Gersha Phillips was so ICONIC. As a designer myself, I want to see non-male folks and BIPOC creating the cool stuff we see on screen. Not more white men. They have contributed. Let others do so now.
Just announced: A blockbuster Paramount+ movie special where I run 3.5 O'Briens (Miles) for my April #section31 challenge goals for #GymShimoda this morning.#GreatestTrek #GreatestGen #FreindsOfDeSoto #FoD @GreatestTrek
#section31 #gymshimoda #greatesttrek #greatestgen #freindsofdesoto #FoD
ZOMG YES YES YES YES https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/04/michelle-yeoh-will-star-in-a-star-trek-movie-about-section-31/ #Section31 #StarTrek
Report: ‘Section 31’ To Be The First Of Series Of Star Trek Movies For Paramount+ https://trekmovie.com/2023/04/19/report-section-31-to-be-the-first-of-series-of-star-trek-movies-for-paramount/ #UpcomingTVprojects #Upcomingmovies #paramountplus #Section31 #Paramount #section31 #movies
#upcomingtvprojects #upcomingmovies #ParamountPlus #section31 #paramount #movies