The way to get the #LSAT #sections under control is through #consistent #testing.
#LSAT taxes your brain so much that you need to build up #testing #instincts.
Any significant break in your practice and review will allow these instincts to lose their power.
Even 3 days off will leave you a little behind where you were previously, but these breaks are sometimes necessary and not always harmful (after an additional week of practice those instincts might be even stronger).
#lsat #sections #consistent #testing #instincts
When you're headed to the #LSAT #testing #center, you will want to have most of these #sections under control, where you can consistently #score decently.
One of them will always be the worst one of course. Ideally you can have one section fairly consistent, in order the balance the hardest one. Good scores are possible even with one #deadweight section.
But you'll want to study each of them enough to work through any difficulties that come up under the extra pressure of the real #LSAT #test.
#lsat #testing #center #sections #score #deadweight #test
Organizing #figma for PMs, devs or other designers is important.
#Deliveroo they have some great ideas:
It feels to me that #Figma should nativly integrate some more of them. #Sections are one step, but what about sticky notes, big titles & link buttons?
Freezing rain closes schools, highways and is expected to last through Monday night
#Canada #After #Brunswickers #closed #large #Monday #Newbrunswick #of highways #over #province #Schools #sections
#Canada #After #Brunswickers #closed #large #Monday #Newbrunswick #of #over #province #Schools #sections
I run another blog built by Hugo and using "personal-site" theme.
I fixed an issue with the sections not paginating.
#pagination #hugo #sections #paginator