Anyone feel like we should collectively forbid use of wordings like this in any notification within the industry?
“There is no evidence that any unencrypted credit card data was accessed……”
Almost sounds like we did not look or dont have logs to say if it was accessed…

#databreach #infosec #sectoot

Last updated 2 years ago

Anyone feel like we should collectively forbid use of wordings like this in any notification within the industry?
“There is no evidence that any unencrypted credit card data was accessed……”
Almost sounds like we did not look or dont have logs to say if it was accessed…

#databreach #infosec #sectoot

Last updated 2 years ago

Ok i am officially blown away by

#chatgpt #openai #aws #dfir #sectoot #glacier #restore

Last updated 2 years ago

looks like all the malicious shenanigans are nuked.. 😆​

#patched #openai #chatgpt #infosec #redteam #malware #dfir #sectoot

Last updated 2 years ago

Remember when people say always take approval for

This is what happens when you dont.

While this MLA may have been acting in good faith and for public good, He clearly failed on lesson 101 of being a security researcher.

He was being investigated for hacking in to Covid19 vaccine portal.

#pentesting #alberta #bugbounty #canada #sectoot #infosec

Last updated 2 years ago

Enhancing our automated triage workflow, I am planning to unsubscribe the end users automatically by having click the unsubscribe link, if the email is triaged as marketing/graymail.

Thinking here is if end users report emails as suspicious they do not want this marketing email. What do you think?

Some may say, arnt you worried by being phished by unsubscribe link - so far I have only every seen 2 emails like that in several years in

#phishing #soar #infosec #sectoot #phish

Last updated 2 years ago

As we gear up to another wave, here is a reminder for new infosec
1) We have a to get you started:
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#welcome #twittermigration #weekend #mastodon #tweeps #wiki #mfa #ios #boost #infosec #sectoot #threatintel #iocs #pooptoots

Last updated 2 years ago

da_667 · @da_667
2707 followers · 809 posts · Server

If you're new here, welcome to I've had at least one moderator and one other person refer to my account as being a good steward to the community on this account.

I write snort/suricata rules.
I talk about the NSM rules I write and interesting campaigns
I shitpost a lot. I try to do the image captions, because everyone deserves memes. or suffering. Maybe both.

Using hashtags is extremely important to getting information you want here.

Search for the hashtags for starters, and look for some of your favorite researchers and create a list to follow. That will get you most of the way towards rebuilding threat intel lists.

I'm somewhat high volume, very off-topic, but welcome to my feed, and the server all the same.

#threatintel #iocs #sectoot

Last updated 2 years ago

@pixelnull agreed. Use and then go follow these tags to stay updated.

#iocs #threatintel #sectoot

Last updated 2 years ago

Shall we collectively agree to use for key updates and for generic here

#sectoot #infosec

Last updated 2 years ago