In the next #FalloutNewVegas Relentless session, they explore Vegas, the factions, and their machinations. They’ve left the horror of the Wasteland to the “safety” of the city, and I’ll be ready! I’m even going to try model painting for the first time. #Securitrons #fingerscrossed
#FalloutNewVegas #securitrons #fingersCrossed
31/97 Companies don't have a general contingency plan. How will you maintain your share price amidst the effects of #climatecollapse? We have a whole suite of solutions from typhoon-resistant #drones to strike breaking #Securitrons. We've even partnered with @TastyPaste to provide stockpiles of shelf stable nutrition when the food runs out.
Even if you're prepared for some disasters, #disasterrecovery isn't #disasterthriving. Make your company _the_ place to go in the new normal. We can help.
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