Ralph Hogaboom · @biptoot
102 followers · 387 posts · Server mas.to

Today I referred to my SEcurity AWareness TRaining program as "SEAWTR" pronouncing it Sea Otter. No one knew what the hell I was talking about. And apparently I'm the crazy one?

#cybersecurity #securityawarenesstraining #seaotters #infosec

Last updated 1 year ago

Attack Simulation Training is an intelligent phish risk reduction tool that now provides enhanced user telemetry to enable administrators to view additional details on how their targeted users are interacting with the phishing payload from simulation campaigns. It also allows users to measure behavior change and automate the deployment of a security awareness training program across an organization. techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5

#attacksimulation #phishriskreduction #securityawarenesstraining

Last updated 2 years ago

3nd33 · @endee
3 followers · 19 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Thought I’d start the first day back at work with some tests for a client I provide for

Heading into my 4th year with this client and they have become really good at spotting phishing so I had to be extra fiendish with a mix of and from Mice I borrowed Ego and from life I borrowed Fomo 😂​😂​

Judging by the click-rates I’m getting today, quite a few users seem to still be semi-comatose from all the turkey and plum pudding :blob_dizzy_face:​

#simulatedphishing #securityawarenesstraining #socialengineering #authority #artificaltimeconstraint #fear

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Driver · @billdriver
99 followers · 145 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Hats off to CVS.

I had to purchase a couple of gift cards for a present yesterday, upon purchase they had a brief training about gift card scams that I had to acknowledge before the purchase completed. Nice way to combat that ongoing threat.


Last updated 2 years ago

3nd33 · @endee
1 followers · 5 posts · Server infosec.exchange

I’ll do this now as The Murricans will be coming to life soon and it might get lost in the noise and I can go back to hiding behind the couch

Apparently it’s the etiquette, so:

Do a little “consulting” / support to small businesses on Security and IT (really, you used “consulting”? That’s a bit pretentious of you Old Chap…) Know my way around AD/AAD/MS365/Exchange quite well. Pretty good at email-security, inbound and outbound. Provide some and (I find the Social Engineering side great fun)

+ + + certified. Studying for EC-CEH but might try for and first to get my feet wet (can’t afford to fail and re-take CEH at THAT price!)

Don’t expect too much, I don’t do anything super exciting

Started in IT at 60. Helpdesk > Support Engineer > SysAdmin > bored but found a passion for CyberSecurity > quit job to study. Aiming for , and before I hit 70. Have a little over 18 months to get there. Wish me luck!

#introduction #securityawarenesstraining #simulatedphishing #comptia #security #a #ITF #apple #acsp #PNPT #eJPT #ceh

Last updated 2 years ago

Jerry Bell :verified: · @jerry
13966 followers · 12144 posts · Server infosec.exchange