I kinda sorta understand why the process of getting a #SecurityClearance involves filling out a lengthy questionnaire and then having an agent ask you word-for-word every single question you already answered on the questionnaire.
I kinda sorta understand it, but I don't like it.
Dear @MugsysRapSheet
I did a quick calculation one day based on the adult full citizen population of the United States and figured that 1 in 83 hold some form of clearance if media reports of the number of Americans with some form of clearance can be believed.
The sources of the data are in the Toot link:
Best wishes,
Despite school suspension
Still got top-secret clearance
Secrets revealed to all
#jackteixeira #securityclearance #schoolsuspension #haiku #poetry
#jackteixeira #securityclearance #schoolsuspension #haiku #poetry
Julian Assange is wanted by the USA for publishing classified documents on Wikileaks.
Why isn't Elon Musk being arrested for classified documents published and shared on Twitter?
Julian Assange has no security clearance, hasn't signed a non-disclosure agreement that goes along with a security clearance, is not a US citizen and had no legal obligation to protect US secrets.
All of those things are the complete opposite of Musk. Musk has satellites and rockets so I will guarantee he has a security clearance.
#FreeAssange #FuckMusk #SecurityClearance #AntiFascism #Twitter #Classified
#freeassange #fuckmusk #securityclearance #antifascism #twitter #classified
OK this is wild. People are always told during the #securityclearance process that lying on your SF-86 could constitute a crime, and most lawyers tell their clients that too. But it almost never happens IRL. It's a threat they make to cow you into telling them your deepest darkest secrets.
And now they actually did it. Which is just...wow.
@WalterShaub he’s likely in good company. Let’s demand ALL classified docs be accounted for. Yes that would be a huge undertaking but what the hell? Enforce ANYONE handling classified docs needs a security clearance . ANYONE. I’m willing to bet a tuna fish sandwich there are dozens of politicians currently holding classified docs at home/basement/closet/trunk/briefcase ….. #BIDEN #CLASSIFIED #SECURITYCLEARANCE #TUNAFISHSANDWICH
#tunafishsandwich #securityclearance #classified #Biden
@maggie_pdx The intel community has more work to do on the accuracy of its security clearances, to prevent cases like those three.
#DefendAmerica #OathOfOffice #NationalSecurity #SecurityClearance
#DefendAmerica #oathofoffice #nationalsecurity #securityclearance
...lawmakers do not have security clearances... members of Congress are by tradition deemed inherently trustworthy by dint of offices they hold, although subject to punishment under the House ethics code for revealing classified information. The maximum penalty, which would require a 2/3 vote by the House, is expulsion...
fellow lawmakers nor any president could take that fundamental presumption of trustworthiness away from them...
#BrokenSystem #securityclearance
@RitchieTorres that's great as far as disqualifying them from running but there needs to be a #severePenalty for major #liarsInOffice. #fireThem. Add #illegalDrugUse/ #drugAddiction/ #alcoholism. If they have recovered/ #OnTheWagon, great. Good for them. They can still run/serve. It's the lying about it that's the important part. Rather like a #backgroundCheck. Speaking of which, how about making them pass a #secret or #topSecret level #securityClearance? That would solve many of our problems.
#severepenalty #liarsinoffice #firethem #illegaldruguse #drugaddiction #alcoholism #onthewagon #backgroundcheck #secret #topsecret #securityclearance
@lindyli Greene, Boebert, Gaetz & co are proof that mandatory security clearances for MoCs are desperately needed - to protect the American public from con representatives in fact representing extremism hostile to the constitutional order & constitutionally designed Rule of the People.
#DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #Democracy #Politics #SecurityClearance #Extremism #EnemiesOfState #Subversives #DisqualifyALLRebels
#defenddemocracy #defendtheconstitution #democracy #politics #securityclearance #extremism #enemiesofstate #subversives #disqualifyallrebels
@brendannyhan Shows all the "GOP's" infamous contempt for Congress & those, who defended them & the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, sacrificing their health.
Infamy on full display.
#DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #Jan6 #Insurrection #Overthrow #BanTheGOP #NationalSecurityThreat #SecurityClearance
#defendtheconstitution #defenddemocracy #JAN6 #insurrection #overthrow #banthegop #nationalsecuritythreat #securityclearance
@makkhorn @VICENews The constitutional threshold for becoming MoC is stunningly (too) low (see Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, Gosar, Biggs, Jordan, Santos......; mandatory security clearances: Obviously/tragically not required):
Article 1, Section 2 of the US constitution:
1) Be at least 25 years of age.
2) Have been a citizen of the United States for at least seven years.
3) Be (at the time of election) a resident of the state you are elected to represent.
FEC Filing Requirements:
1) Once an individual’s campaign activity exceeds $5,000 in either contributions or expenditures, they must register.
2) Within fifteen days of that cap being hit, the candidate must file a Statement of Candidacy.
3) Then the candidate must identify a principal campaign committee. Once that committee is formed, the candidate has 10 days to file a Statement of Organization.
4) Lastly, once the committee is formed, it cannot accept contributions for the campaign until a Treasurer is established within the committee. The treasurer is the only one that may sign FEC reports and statements on behalf of the campaign.
The decision on candidates' character qualifications is left to voters...
#RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #Democracy #Politics #SecurityClearance #Congress
#ruleoflaw #defenddemocracy #democracy #politics #securityclearance #congress
After sixty-eight
Falsely accused Oppenheimer
Finally cleared of blame
#oppenheimer #atomicbomb #securityclearance #haiku #poetry
#haiku #oppenheimer #atomicbomb #securityclearance #poetry
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