Indusface · @Indusface
0 followers · 14 posts · Server

👉 A new feature is released today on Indusface WAS (Web Application Scanning)!

🔑 Indusface WAS now provides secure, centralized, and easy access management with the new SSO (Single Sign-On) feature.

With Single Sign-On, your team can sign in to WAS with their existing corporate credentials from any device without compromising security. 🔐

Having an SSO also eliminates the need to remember multiple credentials & makes it easy to access from various locations (office, home, public areas, etc.)💻📱

With this update, Indusface WAS now allows integration with any identity management provider like Azure, AWS, Okta, Google Cloud, etc. (This feature is empowered via SAML).

If you are looking for a Web Application Scanner (WAS) that supports Single Sign-On, Indusface can be the way to go!

For more details on the product, kindly visit the below shared link:

#sso #singlesignon #identitymanagement #was #webapplicationscanning #securityfeature #indusfacewas #indusface

Last updated 2 years ago

Alcea · @alcea
7 followers · 182 posts · Server

And this one certainly never heard of the terms and

"One of my server's rules is like this, all inactive users will be warned by email after six months of inactivity and they have 30 more days to sign in to stop the deletion process
Most of them never stop the process so they are deleted but their usernames get "blocked" forever when most of them never posted nothing.

#ramblingsalcea #impersonation #securityfeature

Last updated 2 years ago