So, I just found out that #ebay allows you to add your #securitykey as a second factor.
I also found out, that you can only add one.
Gonna remove my security key then I guess.
SecurityWeek: Google Releases Security Key Implementation Resilient to Quantum Attacks #Postquantumcryptography #Quantumcryptography #Identity&Access #cryptography #securitykey #google
#postquantumcryptography #quantumcryptography #identity #cryptography #securitykey #google
SecurityWeek: Google Releases Security Key Implementation Resilient to Quantum Attacks #Postquantumcryptography #Quantumcryptography #Identity&Access #cryptography #securitykey #google
#postquantumcryptography #quantumcryptography #identity #cryptography #securitykey #google
SecurityWeek: Google Releases Security Key Implementation Resilient to Quantum Attacks #Postquantumcryptography #Quantumcryptography #Identity&Access #cryptography #securitykey #google
#postquantumcryptography #quantumcryptography #identity #cryptography #securitykey #google
Free USB-A Yubikeys.
A friend who writes on security topics was given a box of these several years ago to give away and gave me a handful to give to my friends 💁 but for the life of me, I couldn't get anyone to care enough to take them 🤦♂️ so they've been sitting in my drawer for almost 4 years. Yubico says they're still secure and useable.
DM me with a mailing address and I'll send a set to you. I've got 18 available. I'll update this when they're spoken for. For newer devices, a USB-A to USB-C adapter is necessary. Only some adapter brands work. I use an Anker brand. Yubico has a list of other known-to-work adapters here:
If you already use a key (yay), one of these can be a backup. Otherwise, you should use two, with one kept in a safe place should you lose your main one.
#security #datasecurity #securitykey
chiavette di sicurezza, com'è andata a finire?
ho eliminato l'invio di SMS su tutti gli account , adesso posso cambiare numero senza sbattimenti, per lo più sostituiti con notifiche push, fido (chiavetta + tocco), hotp (chiavetta in modalità tastiera + tocco), totp (tipo google authenticator ma via chiavetta)
Sul fronte accessi senza password (passkey) pensavo meglio , pochi siti lo supportano per cui tenetevi stretti il password manager
Oh cool, paypal seems to support WebAutn now.
#fido2 #security #securitykey #webauthn
Anyone have a recommendation for a #YubiKey nano-like #securitykey? Want something that can stay in my laptop without the risk of snapping it off whilst in use.
And I still don't know how any of this relates to my #Yubikey. If I use PublicKeyCredential will it use my #securityKey to generate the credential? Or does the browser provide it's own? Will I be limited to using a single key management system or could I create a credential with #Firefox on my phone and then login using the same key on #Safari on desktop? #fido #u2f
#u2f #fido #safari #Firefox #securitykey #yubikey
Nach viel und lang überlegen bin ich langsam aber sicher bereit mir security keys zuzulegen. Nur welche? Solokey, nitrokey, yubikey, winkeo. Am einfachsten/sinnvollsten wäre wohl ein yubikey + zusätzlichen key als backup 🤔 #security #linux #securitykey #nitrokey #solokey #yubikey #winkeo #neowavefr
#neowavefr #winkeo #yubikey #solokey #nitrokey #securitykey #linux #security
I'm in the boat with you, having missed that #mastodon supports #otp #2fa #authentication using a #securitykey . Mark that as another case of pilot error.
#mastodon #otp #2fa #authentication #securitykey
A few months ago I set up #2fa #authentication for my #mastodon account using #otp . I was really disapointed that I could not use my brand new #securitykey 🫤
Yesterday I saw here a poll with the question of what I'm using: #otp or security key or neither. That's when I got curious: "I thought security keys aren't available to save my mastodon account..." 🤔
So I did a quick research. And wow...again the problem was with the user (me) and not the #computer . After setting up basic two factor authentication via one time password, you have the possibility to add multiple security keys as well.
So I did that now. Great start for a #sunday 👍☀️:undefined:🔑
#2fa #authentication #mastodon #otp #securitykey #computer #sunday
👀 I’m part of the 0.5% Twitter’s users that use a #SecurityKey for 2FA.
Do we know how much people are using this feature in #mastodon ?
From: @SpyBlog
มาใช้ Security Key (YubiKey) กับ Apple ID และทุก ๆ ระบบกันครับ
#iamSK #ITPro #ITNomad #Apple #iOS #iPadOS #Security #2ndFactorAuthentication #TwoFactorAuthentication #SecurityKey #FIDO #YubiKey
#securitykey #iamSK #ITNomad #twofactorauthentication #fido #itpro #apple #ios #ipados #security #2ndFactorAuthentication #yubikey
der #ePerso kann FIDO 🤨
JEDER hat also bereits ein #SecurityKey ohne ein Nitrokey/Yubikey o.ä. kaufen zu müssen.
WTF 🤨🤨🤨
(danke @egovpod )
It is kinda surprising to see #Google recommend a #securityKey from another manufacturer instead of their own ones... :vlpn_squint:
That's not what I expected ^^'
#YubiKey มาแล้วนะครับ ท่านใดสนใจก็รอนิดนึง กลับกรุงเทพฯ วันที่ 15 ก.พ. จะประกาศให้ F กันนะครับ
*เปิด F เฉพาะ YubiKey นะครับ ถ้าจะ F ไอ้ไข่ขาว (แมว) จะต้องจ่ายแพงมาก ๆ เด้อ 😜😂🤭
#iamSK #ITPro #ITNomad #SecurityKey
#yubikey #iamSK #ITNomad #securitykey #itpro
Just tried to add my #Yubikey 5ci (the USB-C / lightning #securitykey) to my Apple ID now that Apple supports security keys. When I go to add the key, I get prompted for a PIN – which I've never set on this security key (afaik). Anyone know what's going on?
I'm hosting 'Why you SHOULD and CAN go Passwordless Today' live audio event with the Microsoft Identity product group!
Come join the live conversation
#microsoft #security #passwordless #entra #fido2 #securitykey #identity #azuread #entra
#microsoft #security #passwordless #entra #fido2 #securitykey #identity #azuread