Ensuring robust security is crucial for @opensuse and all #opensource projects. Become an #SELinux pro with just one slide 😂, but don't miss out on the entire talk to deepen your knowledge 🤔. #SecurityMatters https://youtu.be/uWp6WByCYss
#opensource #selinux #securitymatters
Kleine Statistik für Interessierte:
Zahl der SSH-Angriffe auf meinen #Homeserver in den letzten 48 Stunden. #FediLZ #SecurityMatters
#securitymatters #FediLZ #homeserver
Busy the last few days getting ready for #CES2023. It’s day two so I can breathe now. If you’re at the show, come see us at booth #51716 at the Venetian Expo to talk about why #securitymatters and check out our first-of-it’s-kind smart home automation solution with integrated #cybersecurity. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/canal-telecom-nagra-and-otodo-innovate-with-new-mobile-application-securing-connected-devices-and-smart-home-users-1032000430
#ces2023 #securitymatters #cybersecurity
Twitter just prompted me unbidden to add 2FA to my account (including SMS or authenticator app). I did a search and found a beta way to add 2FA to Mastodon mobile app but, could'nt locate how to add to the web app. Anyone know if Mastodon support 2FA ? #securitymatters
RT @KarelPelck@twitter.com
If you have a few minutes, in this great post @Alex_T_Weinert@twitter.com explains in dept why your password does not matter in the great sceam of things and why you should consider #MFA to start securing your online identities! #SecurityMatters #Identity #security
#mfa #securitymatters #identity #security