Dissent Doe :cupofcoffee: · @PogoWasRight
1053 followers · 125 posts · Server infosec.exchange

One of the too-frequent and extremely frustrating parts of trying to disclose responsibly is that you either get ignored or suspected of being a scammer by the people you are trying to help.

If you get a call or contact and don't trust it, fine, but then contact someone you DO trust and have them check out the information. It is not okay to just ignore notifications that you are exposing patient data.

And it's a shame that HHS OCR doesn't crack down harder by imposing some monetary penalties or monitoring requirements. More than 20 enforcement actions on access to records but how many on Security Rule violations?

Read how many notification attempts this one covered entity ignored:


#hipaa #incidentresponse #responsibledisclosure #securityrule #databreach #dataleak #phi

Last updated 2 years ago