@Elizafox A lot of people are just absurdly naive in believing that disarming law-abiding people makes society safer...
It's obviously just a "we're doing something" level of #SecurityTheater that in the post-Luty and post-FGC9 era is just insulting everyones' intellect!
@modacitylife But over here, in Germany, we are still more stuck in the culture of victimizing the not-car-drivers. #securitytheater
Receiving a "secure" email from Virtru: 1) receive email with a link; 2) click it, which opens a web page with an option to send a "secure link"; 3) receive ANOTHER EMAIL with a different link; 4) click it; 5) wait to watch the theatric "decryption" animation play; 6) download PDF.
WTF does this absurd theater accomplish? There's no validation whatsoever---anyone with access to my email (or sniffing the unencrypted email traffic) could do _exactly_ what I did as the legitimate recipient, so why not just attach the PDF to the original email in the first place?
I thought maybe they were doing some IP geolocation or fingerprinting or something, so I tried opening the link via tor, and it popped right up.
How are these products not considered fraudulent?
@dcrosta WAY more secure that way! /s
But that is just the first hoop you must jump through . . .
Let's see you make a #password that satisfies THESE conditions!
(From the maker of the Absurd Trolley Problems game)
@peterdutoit Ask those flying why they "choose" a plane...
Usually it's lack if high speed rail [espechallythe #USA has no excuse for that!] or the lack of cheaper, more convenient [in spite of the #SecurityTheater] of efficient options.
BTW: #Ships are even worse polluters both per passenger kilometer and efficiency!
My employer is blocking openwall.com on their DNS servers now.
I discovered this when i tried to open a link to a post on the oss-security mailing list.
#securitytheatre #securitytheater
I mean #Shinkansen and the subsequent german copy (#ICE) really are fast and only beaten by #TGV and it's relative, #Thalys.
At 3h 15min from #Cologne to #Paris, it's faster than flying considering the #SecurityTheater and the need to catch connecting trains of we compare Statio-to-Station.
In fact, even if I were able to race at 250+ km/h up until the french border if not straight to Paris, it would not be possible to even keep up.
#securitytheater #Paris #cologne #thalys #tgv #ice #shinkansen
@socialhack technisch gesehen ist es dann ein Verstoß gegen #Netzneutralität wenn #WhatsApp entdrosselt wird aber z.B. #XMPP, #IRC oder #Zulip nicht.
#NotLegalAdvice aber ich würd's wegen dem postfaktischen #SecurityTheater eh nicht kaufen...
#anonym #prepaid #securitytheater #notlegaladvice #zulip #IRC #XMPP #WhatsApp #netzneutralitat
@porkroll Because there is no rational reason they can't deploy #PDFarranger via #SCCM or whatever crutch their #MSP uses [because #Windows doesn't have any good #PackageManager whatsoever]...
It sounds more like #SecurityTheater and I'm convinced that it's trivial to #BadUSB their systems since one can configure the USB-IDs and functionality of tools like the #PwnPi / #PwnPiALOA...
#pwnpialoa #PwnPi #badusb #securitytheater #packagemanager #Windows #msp #sccm #pdfarranger
@iatendril @Seirdy @neurovagrant @signalapp @vamanimal @itzzenxx
Technically even worse, because #Signal is doing #SecurityTheater designed to lure in #TechIlliterates that don't know better...
It's insulting the intellect of everyone!
Whereas one can at least anonymously use a payphone!
#TechIlliterates #securitytheater #Signal
TSA confiscated record number of guns from airline passengers in 2022 - CBS News
>Transportation Security Administration officers confiscated more than 6,542 firearms from airport passengers in 2022 — the highest number recorded since the agency's inception. Of those guns taken at airport security checkpoints, 88% were loaded, the agency announced Tuesday. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tsa-guns-2022/ #guns #securitytheater
@LunaDragofelis @AT1ST @raymondpert and even then most of it is #SecurityTheater since underpaid Seccies don't make shit safe, but Captains refusing to takeoff when some Karen assaults the crew...
@AT1ST @raymondpert would you retract that moot point if the most successful attacker was with an axe in Germany and not the person with a Glock and 300+ rounds?
Not to mention that in the post-#Luty & post-#FGC9 era any gun orohibition is not effectively enforceable, thus only resulting #SecurityTheater aka. false sense of security...
Oh thank god, Treasury Direct* finally got rid of their asinine virtual keyboard where you had to click each letter/number/symbol with the mouse.
* (to buy US Savings Bonds, etc)
#securitytheater #TreasuryDirect #SavingsBonds
TSA is the biggest waste of money and time. Everyone misses their flight since a bunch called out this morning.
#securitytheater #toothpastedanger #waterbottledanger
@xgranade *nodds in agreement*
I think this whole #FearCulture, #DeprivationOfRights and #SecurityTheater shit needs to stop!
#securitytheater #deprivationofrights #fearculture
Also ich weiß ja nicht ob's das denen wert ist aber ist denen Entscheidung...
Ich bin ja der Ansicht wenn mensch schon was riskiert dann doch bitte für etwas was wirklich direkten und nachhaltigen Einfluss hat...
Ich sehe nur dass es hier am Ende nur mehr #SecurityTheater geben wird und man dies als Vorwand für mehr #GrundrechtsfreieRäume nutzen wird, was anderen Protesten nachhaltig schaden würde...
#grundrechtsfreieraume #securitytheater
@NicolaElle @Reborn_Cat_Mom I hate this #SecurityTheater because it's not actually increasing safety at all!
@nzakas Blocking paste on a form textbox is not a security feature.