Construction underway for Northern Secwépemc Cultural Centre - Williams Lake Tribune
#cariboo #Secwépemc
Global News BC: B.C. First Nations sign Columbia River Treaty revenue-sharing agreements with province #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryofIndigenousRelationsandReconciliation #revenuesharingagreement #ColumbiaRiverTreaty #SyilxOkanaganNation #southerninterior #Secwepemcnation #BCFirstNations #Reconciliation #KtunaxaNation #BCInterior #Secwepemc #Okanagan #Ktunaxa #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ministryofindigenousrelationsandreconciliation #revenuesharingagreement #columbiarivertreaty #syilxokanagannation #southerninterior #secwepemcnation #BCFirstNations #reconciliation #ktunaxanation #BCInterior #secwepemc #okanagan #ktunaxa #Canada
Reminders of #Canada ’s #shameful treatment of #IndigenousPeoples were constant as Marie Clements shot parts of her sweeping #drama “Bones of Crows” at former residential school, where hundreds of suspected graves were discovered two years ago.
The #writer #director says fictional scenes depicting #abuse at a #ResidentialSchool were shot at the #KamloopsBC facility where the #Tkemlups te #Secwepemc #FirstNation said it had found 215 suspected #UnmarkedGraves in May 2021.
#canada #shameful #indigenouspeoples #drama #writer #director #abuse #residentialschool #kamloopsbc #tkemlups #secwepemc #firstnation #unmarkedgraves
I briefly shared an out of date call to action. After a bit more reading I found this OER at TRU that let me know:
"On June 20, 2017, SSN and allies celebrated the designation of Pípsell as a Secwépemc Nation cultural heritage site. "
#secwepemc #pipsell #oer #oers
"Stk’emlupsemc te Secwepemc Nation is going to court to secure Aboriginal title to unceded traditional territory in interior B.C."
CELTalks - Laura Grizzlypaws - How to Create Authentic and Transformational Land Acknowledgements - Feb.1, 2023
#LauraGrizzlypaws #LandAcknowledgements #CELTalks #TRU #Secwépemc’ulucw #Secwépemc
#lauragrizzlypaws #landacknowledgements #celtalks #TRU #secwepemc
Webstad said the society is also now having to police the use of the phrase #EveryChildMatters . In February 2022 it was adopted #WithoutConsent by organizers of the #FreedomConvoy - which in turn was #denounced by Webstad & the Northern #Secwépemc te #Qelmucw #Chiefs .
Now, at age 55, Webstad says she dreams of the day she will be free of her own story. She wants to complete her work and then live a life that doesn’t require her to be a public figure.
#everychildmatters #withoutconsent #freedomconvoy #denounced #secwepemc #qelmucw #chiefs #indigenous
#Tkemlúps #Secwépemc #FirstNation will receive $12.5 million in #FederalFunding toward the construction of a new #HealingCentre for the community, nearly two years after suspected grave sites were discovered at a former #ResidentialSchool - leaders have announced.
A #JointStatement Thursday said the new healing house will provide #TraumaInformed programs to help the community spiritually, mentally, emotionally & physically.
#tkemlups #secwepemc #firstnation #federalfunding #healingcentre #residentialschool #jointstatement #traumainformed #indigenous #everychildmatters #britishcolumbia
Le juge lui a dit : Il n'y a pas de corps là !
« Saw-ses est l'un des huit défenseurs de l'eau et de la terre accusés d'outrage criminel pour avoir perturbé le développement du projet d'expansion de l'oléoduc Trans Mountain (TMX) dans sa région natale. Six d'entre eux ont été condamnés à des peines de prison cette semaine, entre 28 et 32 jours.»
‘There are no bodies’: Judge’s comments shock KIRS survivor as land defenders given jail time
#native #autochtones #residentialschool #transmountain #prison #jail #Justice ⚖ #Secwépemc #TMX
by aaron hemens on Indiginews
#native #autochtones #residentialschool #transmountain #prison #jail #justice #secwepemc #tmx
#Skeetchestn #Secwepemc #fire keeper #JoeGilchrist is on a mission to make the regenerative burning practices his grandfather taught him commonplace. At stake is an important practice for culture, food security and the future of B.C.'s forests.
#skeetchestn #secwepemc #fire #joegilchrist
Aujourd'hui, c'est la #JournéeNationaleDeLaJupeÀRubans, inspirée par Isabella Kulak, une fille ojibwée (Saulteaux) de la Première Nation de Cote.
Je suis fière de porter une #JupeÀRubans faite par ma soeur pour célébrer nos liens avec notre famille, la terre et la culture #secwépemc. La jupe que Dana porte a été crée par Cheyenne Lazore, une artiste kanienʼkehá꞉ka (#mohawk). #Autochtones
#journeenationaledelajupearubans #jupearubans #secwepemc #mohawk #autochtones
Today is #NationalRibbonSkirtDay, inspired by Isabella Kulak, an Ojibwe (Saulteaux) girl from Cote First Nation.
I'm proud to wear a #RibbonSkirt made by my sister to celebrate our connections to #Secwépemc family, land and culture. The one Dana is wearing is made by Cheyenne Lazore, a Kanienʼkehá꞉ka (#Mohawk) artist. #Indigenous
#nationalribbonskirtday #ribbonskirt #secwepemc #mohawk #indigenous
Webinar TONIGHT: Tuesday, December 6th, 5 - 7 pm PT | Hybrid (Zoom, Vancouver)
Facing the Flames: New and Old Ways of Co-Existing With Fire
Speakers Joe Gilchrist, Salish Interior Firekeeper, and Paul Hessburg, Senior Research Ecologist with US Forest Services, will illuminate the rapidly changing landscape of wildfire and ignite dialogue on pathways forward.
Register here:
#sfudialogue #facingtheflames #secwepemc #firekeepers
Sharing this b/c I heard it repeated recently that #Secwepemc don't have words for our extended relations.
There are more #Secwepemctsin words for #kinship than the English language; not less.
Yes, we refer to each other differently, as a form of endearment & a way of drawing our distant relations closer.
But the aunties & grandmothers would've had a clear idea of who's related (& had words for those relationships) so we don't end up mixing w/ our close blood relations.
(PDF copy available)
#secwepemc #secwepemctsin #kinship
Weyt-kp xwexweytep, I'm a #Secwepemc woman (she/her) with interests in poetry, photography, ethnobotany, crafts & handiwork, #Indigenous Rights & critical #Indigeneity, biogeography, & toponymy, among other things.
I was hesitant to make the move here (I'm @ CoyoteDreams and @ CoyoteRain elsewhere on social media), but I took my old name back and I'm looking forward to seeing if this is a place for a different way of engaging with each other.
#introduction #secwepemc #Indigenous #indigeneity
I woke up this morning and this creepy Trans Mountain pipeline worker was staring at me as I exited my home front door. This is the last stand of trees on this side that TMX has plotted out to clearcut! My heart screams murder by Canada! #genocide #secwepemc
Tmx pipelines crown security stalk #Secwepemc women at their home at #TinyHouseWarriors at midnight
We have been successful in keeping trans mountain biggest man camp from being built. TMX wanted to build 1000-man man camp right here but now is home to #Secwepemc Indigenous freedom fighters and land defenders! Land Back will #stopTMX
ATTENTION: please stay posted to my tweets!! I will be tweeting from the Tiny House Warriors trial begins today Nov 16. #Secwepemc #stoptmx
Industry trucks and man camp pipeline workers invading Indigenous #Secwepemc safe zones #tinyhousewarriors