The Tawny Cotton-Grass (Eriophorum virginicum) is a sedge that grows in wet places. It looks beautiful when a mass of them sways in the wind.
#botany #sedges #macro #macrophotography
I think this is either Bog sedge or Tall bog sedge - any sedge fanatics out there able to judge? (found in a mire near Hadrian's Wall, UK) #Sedges #wildflower #wildflowers #botany
#botany #wildflowers #wildflower #sedges
When great caricologists converse across time: interaction via annotation, Kenneth Kent Mackenzie and Frederick Hermann.
Fellow #herbarium curators and users: do appreciate getting loans returned with a fragment packet tucked in if material needed to be removed? Or is that more trouble that it's worth? Myself, I'd rather have the fragment packet.
RT @pjimmej
Hooked #sedges (#Carex sect #Uncinia) are infamous in NZ and SAmerica because they attach their fruits to clothes (and fur and feather) through a hook. In the video C. phleoides releasing utricles from the spike. But do you know that in SA they diversified the attachment mode? 👇
Just published: review of Paul Rothrock's Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States: The Carex species. Vol. 2.
I really like this book. I'm biased, as a sedge enthusiast and contributor of an essay on chromosome evolution. But Paul's book is masterful, richly illustrated with Paul's photos, with great keys and beautiful text. Read the review, buy the book, support plant biodiversity research and Paul's ongoing work.
#sedges #carex #fieldnotes #Cyperaceae #midwest
Show notes are now up for #GardenDC Podcast Episode 128: Ornamental Grasses and Sedges - see #gardenpodcast #grasses #sedges
#gardendc #gardenpodcast #grasses #sedges
Show notes are now up for #GardenDC Podcast Episode 128: Ornamental Grasses and Sedges - see #gardenpodcast #grasses #sedges
#gardendc #gardenpodcast #grasses #sedges
Belatedly, I am a plant systematist at The Morton #Arboretum, with active projects in #oaks (#phylogenetics / #phylogenomics, #hybridization, #introgression, genetic and functional #diversity), #prairies (effects of #phylogenetic and functional diversity on #restoration outcomes), #sedges (#genome and #chromosome evolution), and other plant groups. I also tweet on #botany and #NaturalHistory of the #Chicago region and other areas. Meet my lab at:
#arboretum #oaks #phylogenetics #Phylogenomics #Hybridization #Introgression #diversity #prairies #phylogenetic #restoration #sedges #genome #Chromosome #botany #naturalhistory #chicago #introduction
Fungi of the #Entorrhiza group causing mysterious root galls on #sedges (#Cyperaceae) and the rush family (#Juncaceae). What is the evolution and ecology of these fungi?
After microscopy of spores and DNA analyses from fresh material and herbaria all over the world, we could describe the new genus #Juncorrhiza exclusively associated with members of the rush family as well as the three new and beautiful species Entorrhiza fuirenae, Juncorrhiza maritima and Juncorrhiza oxycarpi.
#biodiversity #Juncorrhiza #Juncaceae #Cyperaceae #sedges #Entorrhiza