A Drowned Future For Coastal Ecosystems
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02595-5 <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06448-z <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #coast #coastal #coastalprotection #coastalecosystems #ecosystems #climatechange #SLR #sealevel #sealevelrise #GMSL #sedimentation #tidal #tidalmarshes #mangroves #foodsecurity #coral #coralreefs #humanimpacts #global #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #flooding #innundation #risk #hazard
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #coast #coastal #coastalprotection #coastalecosystems #ecosystems #climatechange #slr #sealevel #sealevelrise #gmsl #sedimentation #tidal #tidalmarshes #mangroves #FoodSecurity #coral #coralreefs #humanimpacts #global #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #remotesensing #flooding #innundation #risk #hazard
USGS Study Estimating A Monetary Value For Floodplain Ecosystem Services In The Chesapeake Bay And Delaware River Watersheds
https://www.usgs.gov/centers/chesapeake-bay-activities/science/floodplains-provide-millions-dollars-benefits-every-year <-- shared technical article
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118747 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #lossanddamage #lossadjusting #Hazus #ChesapeakeBay #DelawareRiver
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #LossAndDamage #lossadjusting #hazus #ChesapeakeBay #delawareriver
World's Beaches Are Changing Because Of Climate Change
https://theconversation.com/worlds-beaches-are-changing-because-of-climate-change-green-thinking-is-needed-to-save-them-211953 <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2023.2193565 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #SLR #sealevelrise #Anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
#gis #spatial #mapping #anthropogenic #climatechange #coast #coastline #coastalprocesses #greeninfrastructure #sandybeaches #beaches #mitigation #coastalengineering #coastalcommunities #mangroves #rockyshorelines #rivers #estuaries #Hydro #water #hydrospatial #sanddunes #landforms #geomorphology #sealevel #slr #sealevelrise #anthropocene #sediment #sedimentation #innundation #erosion #protection #urbanisation #landusechange #landuseplanning #planning #resilience #ecosystems #environmental #solutions #ecology #southafrica
The Impact Of Vegetation On Meandering Rivers
https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-021-00249-6 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #river #meanders #anthropocene #vegetation #processmodeling #model #modeling #plants #trees #carboncycle #Palaeozoic #evolution #fluvial #fluvialgeomorphology #geomorphology #channel #channelisation #rivergeomorphology #impact #humanimpact #climatechange #climate #carbondioxide #anthropogenic #changes #biodiversity #aridification #dynamics #geology #soilscience #riverbanks #erosion #sedimentation #floodplain #urbanisation #deforestation #pollution #ancient #landscape #watershed #biogeochemistry #morphometry #geomorphometry
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #river #meanders #anthropocene #vegetation #processmodeling #model #modeling #Plants #trees #carboncycle #palaeozoic #evolution #fluvial #fluvialgeomorphology #geomorphology #channel #channelisation #rivergeomorphology #impact #humanimpact #climatechange #climate #carbondioxide #anthropogenic #changes #biodiversity #aridification #Dynamics #geology #soilscience #riverbanks #erosion #sedimentation #floodplain #urbanisation #deforestation #pollution #ancient #landscape #Watershed #biogeochemistry #morphometry #geomorphometry
Catastrophic Beach Sand Losses Due To Erosion From Predicted Future Sea Level Rise (0.5–1.0 M), Based On Increasing Submarine Accommodation Spaces In The High-Wave-Energy Coast Of The Pacific Northwest, Washington, Oregon, And Northern California, USA
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106555 <-- shared paper
H/T @Anthro
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #sampling #coast #coastline #climatechange #energy #future #erosion #sealevelrise #sealevel #SLR #washington #oregon #nocal #pnw #pacificnorthwest #beaches #coastalprotection #coastalimpacts #impacts #stormsurge #beacherosion #storm #stormsurge #extremeweather #ocean #marine #hydrospatial #sediment #loss #sedimentology #sedimentation #longshoredrift #estuary #estuarine #river #beachloss #naturalhazard #ecosystem #environment
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #sampling #coast #coastline #climatechange #energy #future #erosion #sealevelrise #sealevel #slr #Washington #oregon #nocal #pnw #pacificnorthwest #beaches #coastalprotection #coastalimpacts #impacts #stormsurge #beacherosion #storm #extremeweather #ocean #marine #hydrospatial #sediment #loss #sedimentology #sedimentation #longshoredrift #Estuary #estuarine #river #beachloss #naturalhazard #ecosystem #Environment
The Best And Worst Case Scenarios For Sea Level Rise
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/26/its-absolutely-guaranteed-the-best-and-worst-case-scenarios-for-sea-level-rise <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #global #sealevel #sealevelrise #SLR #india #london #china #mumbai #bangladesh #NYC #newyork #newyorkcity #cities #megacities #impacts #coast #coastal #flood #flooding #stormsurge #infrastructure #climatechange #extremeweather #erosion #deposition #sedimentation #salinity #groundwater #groundwaterintrusion #groundwatersalinity #subsidence #precipitation #rainfall #storms #geology #engineeringgeology #naturalhazard #cyclone #hurricanes #economic #economy #mitigation #costs #publicsafety #publichealth #coastalresilience #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #coastline #coastalprotection #future #change
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #global #sealevel #sealevelrise #slr #india #london #China #mumbai #Bangladesh #nyc #NewYork #newyorkcity #cities #megacities #impacts #coast #coastal #flood #flooding #stormsurge #infrastructure #climatechange #extremeweather #erosion #deposition #sedimentation #salinity #groundwater #groundwaterintrusion #groundwatersalinity #subsidence #precipitation #rainfall #storms #geology #engineeringgeology #naturalhazard #cyclone #hurricanes #economic #economy #mitigation #costs #publicsafety #publichealth #coastalresilience #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #coastline #coastalprotection #future #change
Up To 70% Of California Beaches Could Disappear By End Of The Century [remote sensing and modeling]
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/27/california-beaches-erosion-2100-study <-- shared media article
https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JF006936 <-- 2023 shared paper
https://www.usgs.gov/programs/cmhrp/news/disappearing-beaches-modeling-shoreline-change-southern-california <-- associated 2017 USGS technical article
“By 2100, the model estimates that 24 to 75% of California’s beaches may become completely eroded due to sea-level rise scenarios of 1.0 to 3.0 m, respectively…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #infrastructure #future #management #sealevelrise #erosion #beaches #California #USA #sedimentation #coast #coastalengineering #shoreline #shore #beaches #climatechange #SLR #beach #remotesensing #satellite #landsat #stormsurge #waves #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #infrastructure #future #management #sealevelrise #erosion #beaches #California #USA #sedimentation #coast #coastalengineering #shoreline #shore #climatechange #slr #beach #remotesensing #satellite #landsat #stormsurge #waves #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #gischat
Simple but effective animation of a river as it meanders and erodes...
[source unknown]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #river #erosion #meanders #riverine #animation #hydrology #water #visualisation #fluvial #sedimentation #model #modeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #river #erosion #meanders #riverine #animation #hydrology #water #visualisation #fluvial #sedimentation #model #modeling
More Than Half Of The World’s Lakes Have Shrunk In Past 30 Years, Study Finds
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/19/more-than-half-of-the-worlds-lakes-have-shrunk-in-past-30-years-study-finds <-- shared media article
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abo2812 <--shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #satellite #remotesensing #water #hydrology #climatechange #management #change #sustainable #food #watersecurity #watermanagement #waterresources #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #earthobservation #waterloss #global #lake #waterstorage #reservoir #sedimentation #waterconsumption #sustainability #sustainable
#gis #spatial #mapping #satellite #remotesensing #water #hydrology #climatechange #management #change #sustainable #Food #watersecurity #watermanagement #waterresources #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #earthobservation #waterloss #global #lake #waterstorage #reservoir #sedimentation #waterconsumption #sustainability
The main difference between “man-made” machines and other simple physical #structures (#products) and #autonomous, living #systems is in the way they are “produced”.
Machines are #built from the #outside by an #allopoietic process similar to #sedimentation of placing layer upon layer of “things” and connecting them to “inform” a unified single structure.
Organisms, on the other side, are single unified and integrated entities from the moment of their inception, and all their “components” #grow from the #inside out in parallel and at the same time in a closed circular #autopoietic process.
#structures #products #autonomous #systems #built #outside #Allopoietic #sedimentation #grow #inside #Autopoietic
#Introduction.. Javed Kaisar:
I am an #anthropologist living in Halle, Germany, and I am from Bangladesh. Currently, I am engaged in an excellent research group at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, focusing on SAND. In this project I am dealing with #sedimentation, estuarine #islands #refugee resettlement and materiality next to the sea in Bangladesh. My favorite past-time activities are #photografy and exploring new places.
#introduction #anthropologist #sedimentation #islands #Refugee #photografy
Puits de carbone, une chance pour le climat | CNRS - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWYAu1x0Hko #documentaire #biologie #nature #puits_de_carbone #co2 #stockage_du_carbone #océan #plancton #sédimentation #cnrs #agriculture #sécurité_alimentaire #zooplancton #phytoplancton #carbone_stable #biochar #biomasse #1st_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #1st_revue #biomasse #biochar #carbone_stable #phytoplancton #zooplancton #securite_alimentaire #agriculture #cnrs #sedimentation #plancton #ocean #stockage_du_carbone #co2 #puits_de_carbone #nature #biologie #documentaire
Folded sedimentation layers along the shore of #SaglekFjord on the northern coast of #Labrador. #canada #north #sediment #sedimentation #geology #geologyphotography #blackandwhitephotography #landscapephotography #mountainphotography
#saglekfjord #labrador #canada #north #sediment #sedimentation #geology #geologyphotography #blackandwhitephotography #landscapephotography #mountainphotography
Hundred Million Years Of Landscape Dynamics From Catchment To Global Scale
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.add2541 <-- shared paper
https://youtu.be/sdRF0kuqOkg <-- shared video
#GIS #spatial #mapping #modeling #model #marine #video #global #earth #sediment #hydrology #catchment #sedimentation #physiography #stratigraphy #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #ocean #geomorphology #landform #geology #geologic #geologicrecord #weathering #erosion #flux #Cenozoic #landscapes #paleoelevation #paleoclimate #elevation #sediment #simulation #tectonics #platetectonics #strata
#gis #spatial #mapping #modeling #model #marine #Video #global #earth #sediment #hydrology #catchment #sedimentation #physiography #stratigraphy #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #ocean #geomorphology #landform #geology #geologic #geologicrecord #weathering #erosion #Flux #cenozoic #landscapes #paleoelevation #paleoclimate #elevation #simulation #tectonics #platetectonics #strata
A Cost-Effective Solution To Beach Erosion
https://dredgewire.com/a-cost-effective-solution-to-beach-erosion/ <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2022.06.004 <-- shared paper
#dredging #beach #erosion #coastal #climatechange #marine #water #shoreline #protection #dredge #engineeringgeology #design #management #transport #sediment #sedimentation #CobbleBell #migration #catchment #longshoredrift #construction #solution #monitoring #landscape
#dredging #beach #erosion #coastal #climatechange #marine #water #shoreline #protection #dredge #engineeringgeology #Design #management #transport #sediment #sedimentation #cobblebell #migration #catchment #longshoredrift #construction #solution #monitoring #landscape
#Sedimentation threatens to steal capacity from nearly 50,000 #dams
Study shows the world’s dams could lose up to 28% of storage by 2050
This drop would take the capacity of these #reservoirs from 6.3 trillion to 4.7 trillion cubic meters
#sedimentation #dams #reservoirs
The Key To Weathering Rapid Sea-Level Rise May Lie In A Massachusetts Salt Marsh
https://phys.org/news/2023-01-key-weathering-rapid-sea-level-massachusetts.html <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JF006815 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #SLR #sealevelrise #hydrospatial #hydrology #water #marine #estuary #estuarine #tidal #climatechange #change #sealevel #ecology #coastal #saltmarsh #marsh #environment #shipping #habitat #fish #birds #breeding #nursery #sediment #sedimentation #erosion #channels #navigation #Scituate #Massachusetts #vegetation #rejuventation #mudflats
#gis #spatial #mapping #slr #sealevelrise #hydrospatial #hydrology #water #marine #Estuary #estuarine #tidal #climatechange #change #sealevel #ecology #coastal #saltmarsh #marsh #Environment #shipping #habitat #fish #birds #breeding #nursery #sediment #sedimentation #erosion #channels #navigation #scituate #massachusetts #vegetation #rejuventation #mudflats
Ars Technica: Sedimentation threatens to steal capacity from nearly 50,000 dams https://arstechnica.com/?p=1909422 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #hydroelectricity #climatechange #sedimentation #Science #Energy #dams
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #Hydroelectricity #climatechange #sedimentation #science #energy #dams
Sedimentation threatens to steal capacity from nearly 50,000 dams - Enlarge (credit: Jose Luis Stephens / EyeEm)
Slowly but surely... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1909422 #hydroelectricity #climatechange #sedimentation #science #energy #dams
#dams #energy #science #sedimentation #climatechange #hydroelectricity