"In the military and Marine Corps, you don't ever turn around and run away," Pezzola said.
In the military and Marine Corps you also took an oath to uphold the Constitution, you seditious piece of shit.
#proudboy #idiot #seditionist #traitor #trumpcoup
#Activists File legal Challenges in #Michigan, #Florida, to Disqualifiy #Trump as #Seditionist under #14thAmendment
#activists #michigan #florida #trump #seditionist #14thamendment
@alfredo_liberal Why was this #seditionist seated & allowed in Congress at all??
At what point do these #TreasonWeasels face consequences for their obvious attempts to overthrow the #UnitedStates government?
#seditionist #treasonweasels #unitedstates
When there is no #accountability and #consequences for being a #seditionist , they are emboldened to do more harm to our #democracy https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/15/opinions/house-committee-chairs-jim-jordan-obeidallah/index.html
#accountability #consequences #seditionist #democracy
Hey, #CNN, no: the overdue decision by Facebook to finally yeet TFG was not criticized by "free speech advocates". Corrupt #Republicans finding a new love for the #FirstAmendment because they wrongly think it requires private platforms to amplify their insane #seditionist propaganda do not qualify.
Actual #freeSpeech advocates know that only the government may not limit speech—and that the govt cannot tell a private actor what it may or must publish.
#cnn #republicans #firstamendment #seditionist #freespeech
It took a week for the #GOP to elect their own #seditionist speaker. This doesn’t bode well for the next two years.
This is what happens when you elect #RepublicanFascists to raise their #FourthReich instead of Americans to govern the country responsibly.
#gop #seditionist #republicanfascists #fourthreich
The United States has no functioning government because the #Republican #seditionist members of the #fascist @GOP Party is holding America hostage at the order of their filthy rich SuperPACs.
The only person that keeps winning is a Democrat, and we know the #GOP hates it when the candidate with the most votes wins.
#republican #seditionist #fascist #gop
If anybody in #Congress were actually interested in #governing, we'd have a deal right now among the 95% of members who are not #seditionist #fascists.
#congress #governing #seditionist #fascists
Holy geez it’s a dang soap opera. #JimJordan doing what he does…getting on everybody’s last nerve. #insurrectionist #seditionist #lockhimup
#jimjordan #insurrectionist #seditionist #lockhimup
#Seditionist #SeanHannity Admits He Never Believed #TraitorTrump #ElectionFraud Lies | HuffPost Latest News https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sean-hannity-did-not-believe-trump-election-fraud-lies_n_63a3928de4b098c9b2056fab
#seditionist #seanhannity #TraitorTrump #electionfraud
Waste of tax payer dollars, and skulking chicken hawk Josh Hawley is very interested in you jerking off. Honestly its all he thinks about.
Hey Josh. Who the hell can afford to hook up given the policies you and your sorry ass party push for?
#politics #uspolitics #joshhawley #seditionist #missouri #outoftouch #lockhimup
#politics #uspolitics #joshhawley #seditionist #missouri #outoftouch #lockhimup
#ThankYou #January6thCommittee! #DOJ #DepartmentOfJustice!
#Jan6 #January6th #JanuarySixth #TerroristAttack #DonaldTrump #Trump #DomesticTerrorist #Terrorist #Seditionist #Insurrectionist #TrumpLegacy #HoldRepublicansAccountable #HoldGOPAccountable #HoldDomesticTerroristsAccountable #HoldTerroristsAccountable #HoldSeditionistsAccountable #HoldInsurrectionistsAccountable #HoldThemAccountable #HoldHimAccountable #HoldTrumpAccountable
#US #USA #America
#insurrectionist #thankyou #january6thcommittee #holdrepublicansaccountable #holdgopaccountable #holdterroristsaccountable #holdseditionistsaccountable #holdinsurrectionistsaccountable #holdthemaccountable #holdtrumpaccountable #US #usa #america #january6th #januarysixth #holdhimaccountable #jan6 #donaldtrump #trump #trumplegacy #holddomesticterroristsaccountable #terroristattack #domesticterrorist #terrorist #seditionist #doj #departmentofjustice
Because of course an anti abortion nut was also a capitol rioter.
#news #politics #uspolitics #tennessee #churchatplannedparenthood #seditionist #jan6th #edwardkelley #criminal #traitor
#news #politics #uspolitics #tennessee #churchatplannedparenthood #seditionist #jan6th #edwardkelley #criminal #traitor