‘Frustrated and upset,’ Trump goes silent, then seethes
Tuesday night was set up like a wedding, with a center aisle down which Trump was preceded by Donald Trump Jr. Kimberly Guilfoyle; daughter Tiffany Trump & her husband; #SeditionistMattGaetz (R-Fla.) & his fiancee; #FascistMTG (R-Ga.) & Eric Trump & wife Lara
MyPillow CEO & election conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell entered to cheers during the theme from “Phantom of the Opera #TrumpCriminalCabal #TrumpArrested
#seditionistmattgaetz #fascistmtg #trumpcriminalcabal #trumparrested
#SeditionistMattGaetz made a complete fool of himself by not doing his homework before he cited Chinese state run newspaper as his source https://youtube.com/shorts/rDCdwhYel5k?feature=share #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#seditionistmattgaetz #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
Pedophile #SeditionistMattGaetz Says DOJ Has Dropped Sex Trafficking Charges Against Him
#SeditionistMattGaetz Honors Accused Murderer at Committee Hearing he had lead the Pledge of allegiance after calling him a hero https://www.thedailybeast.com/matt-gaetz-honors-accused-murderer-at-committee-hearing For some members of the victim Buchanan’s family, the fact that Gaetz mentioned Beekman’s prominent role in a local Florida gun club was devastating—but more so that he introduced him as a hero, when in fact Billy died trying to help Buck and her two children from his violence, according to the Buchanan family #GOPtraitorToDemocracy
#seditionistmattgaetz #goptraitortodemocracy
Watch #SeditionistMattGaetz STUNT BACKFIRES in His Face on House Floor" on YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/D_-KCEm5qGs?feature=share. I love seeing Democrats use their boxing gloves