It's hard not to agree with this attorney. When it comes to upholding the law, Garland has done a weak ass job! There should be serious penalties on the GOP for trying to steal an election and then stonewalling investigations. We are, after all, talking about losing our democracy, and virtually the entire GOP is in on the plot to take it down in one form or another. All the ones with balls and sanity have already walked or been thrown out. All that's left are the ones who don't care about our democracy, their oaths of office or are total cowards. Perhaps Biden and Garland still haven't woken up to the fact that politics as usual is now pretty much dead. When the other side isn't willing to play by the rules or even play the game democracy, you have to change your tactics. It doesn't matter if you alienate a good chunk of the GOP base, they are already alienated and living in a pseudo-reality that is virtually impenetrable. Come on Biden (use the damn bully pulpit) and Garland! Be above board and transparent, follow the law, but don't sit back timidly and let them trample our democracy into dust!

Legendary Attorney Eviscerates Garland ‘Resign or Be Fired!’ and Has Harsh Words for Biden ‘Defend the Country from Trump!’ | PolitiZoom

"It can be difficult at times to truly appreciate what’s happening to this country. We are right on the brink of a dictatorial overthrow of the government, which is exactly what’s going to happen if Trump is CLOSE in the next election. The Republicans fully believe that the 2020 election was stolen. Indeed, Rupert Murdoch will not settle the Dominion case precisely because he doesn’t want to have to issue an on-air apology and admit they were wrong. He would rather absorb the loss than lose his audience. He wants his viewers happy, and they’re happy to think that Trump actually won. In that sense, they believe they’re owed a victory in 2024. If that election is close, at all, they will claim victory and use whatever Electoral College tactics it takes to lift Trump to victory. If all else fails, they’ll fight.

Meanwhile, Democrats will stand back and ask why it is we’re FORCED to share the presidency when Democrats now always win the popular vote, next time – in my opinion – by ten million.

And we’re at this stage in our history because Merrick Garland has utterly failed on every level. I won’t tolerate hearing from anyone that “these things take time,” or that they’re doing something “big” soon. Fine. I hope so. But that doesn’t excuse that JUST NOW, Mike Pence is fighting a subpoena, and not in July 2021 but 2023, only after Trump has started campaigning!! Trump was largely HATED for months after 2021, and the vaccine was starting the economy again. That was the time to investigate Trump AND only the rioters who violently injured cops. Instead, Garland set about using massive resources to arrest people who broke windows, letting Trump go. Indeed, from the outside, it appears it was only Congress’s successful investigation that pushed DOJ into investigating Trump. After all, DOJ was asking Congress for its transcripts.

Now legendary attorney John Flannery, who often appears on MSNBC, looks like Robert Redford, you know him, has had enough. He wants Garland to resign or be fired. Garland has failed to protect and defend the Constitution. He also chastises Biden for not standing up for the judicial process, not calling out Trump to shut up about judges and the FBI. It is truly a must-see video"

#treasonmatters #seditionmatters #gophatesdemocracy #goplovespower #demsneedbackbones

Last updated 2 years ago