RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
“If I was a Scot, I would probably vote for independence. England has gone too far in the direction of Thatcherism”
Economist Yanis Varoufakis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599580523663282176
RT @Envirosaint@twitter.com
They’ll never take our water 😉🏴
#SEDITIOUSSCOTS dancing in the rain #Time ForScotland
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Envirosaint/status/1599551452904554496
Scottish Indy Yessers – Meet Basic Income
#BasicIncome #UBI
#seditiousscots #scotlanddenieddemocracy #SCRM #youyesyet #YesScots #ANewScotland #WhyNotScotland #scottishindy #scottishindependence #ScottishIndependence2023 #ubi #basicincome
@SNP How about your party supports this petition insisting on a S30 order for a referendum.
It's what you want, right?
Please sign and share.
#seditiousscots #indyref2 #scotlanddenieddemocracy #youyesyet #scottishindy #ScottishIndependence2023 #scottishindependence
Just to be clear to everybody I am a Seditious Scot
Definition: inciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch
"the letter was declared seditious"
Similar: rabble-rousing, inciting, agitating, fomenting
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
“It’s quite reasonable to argue that Scotland would have little or no national debt”
City University London’s Professor Richard Murphy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599581468837433344
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
“Whatever’s left [after Scotland leaves], Little England or Great Britain or Great England … whatever you want to call it … doesn’t have much to sell to the outside world any more”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599576132398895105
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
“It’s quite reasonable to argue that Scotland would have little or no national debt”
City University London’s Professor Richard Murphy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599581468837433344
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
’Scotland ought to go its own way and if it could get into the EU and I think it could … it would resolve a lot of the uncertainties that are being created by the mis-management of Brexit’
Nobel economist Joseph E. Stiglitz
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599577702280798208
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
Yet another example of the ‘union dividend’ … where the UK Govt have been actively undermining Scotland’s right to have access to the EU single market
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599568524418387968
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
“It’s quite reasonable to argue that Scotland would have little or no national debt”
City University London’s Professor Richard Murphy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599581468837433344
RT @45albannach@twitter.com
If wanting independence for my country is sedition then I'm very proud and happy to be among those being named #SEDITIOUSSCOTS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/45albannach/status/1599509324069367809
RT @jim45cotland@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jim45cotland/status/1599534101996113920
RT @WilfJames@twitter.com
Let's face it. The Union's dead and just stinking up the place. Why don't we just go our separate ways and still be friends. #Seditiousscots
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WilfJames/status/1599443613418950657
RT @BjCruickshank
Ach let's cheer up a driech Sunday & have a wee hashtag. I am a seditious Scot who's with me? #SEDITIOUSSCOTS