#Lidl claims to follow the ‘Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare' to support a ‘life worth living’, but their actions couldn’t be further from their claims. Make them put their money where their mouth is and drop Bird Bros as a supplier for good!
- Animal Justice Project
#EndAnimalAg #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals
#seeanimalsasindividuals #endanimalag #lidl
Since then, countless other groups have formed on #Telegram to buy, sell, and share videos of horrifically gruesome acts of baby monkeys being tortured in unspeakable ways.
Telegram recently told BBC News that it was “committed to protecting user privacy and human rights such as freedom of speech” and that moderators “cannot proactively patrol private groups.”
#protectourwildlife #actnow #seeanimalsasindividuals #telegram
by Animal Justice Project
Behind the walls of #SunnyFarm, an ‘enriched’ colony cage egg farm run by East Anglia's leading egg producer, #BirdBros, lies a much darker truth.
Our latest undercover investigation, which broke last night in the #DailyMail, has uncovered despair, death and decay in the depths of this 'megafarm', which supplies major UK supermarket, #Lidl.
#EndAnimalAg #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #GoVegan 🐣
#govegan #seeanimalsasindividuals #endanimalag #lidl #dailymail #birdbros #sunnyfarm
auf die Notlage der Tiere aufmerksam machen und die Verantwortlichen dazu drängen, dringend notwendige Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Unterstützen Sie unsere Petition, um die Pferdekutschen auf #Korfu zu beenden und eine sichere und respektvolle Umgebung für die Tiere zu schaffen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam sicherstellen, dass #Tierschutz und #Tierwohl an oberster Stelle stehen.
- Jeder Tag zählt e.V.
#seeanimalsasindividuals #tierwohl #tierschutz #Korfu
One way to help is to support #local organizations to #neuter them and to provide vaccines.
For example #SoiDogFoundation has neutered and vaccinated close to one million dogs and cats in the past twenty years.
#StrayDogs #StrayCats 🐾 #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #ActNow #SoiDog
#soidog #actnow #seeanimalsasindividuals #straycats #straydogs #neuter #local #SoiDogFoundation
M-44s are intended to kill #coyotes, but they are indiscriminate. They have killed countless dogs and wild animals (including #EndangeredSpecies). They have also harmed a number of humans, even contributing to one man's death.
M-44s in the News
#CyanideBombs #CoyoteGetters #EndangeredSpecies #ProtectOurWildlife #BanTrapping #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals
#seeanimalsasindividuals #BanTrapping #protectourwildlife #coyotegetters #cyanidebombs #endangeredspecies #coyotes
Sign the petition today urging officials in #Indonesia to investigate all dog transport activity and shut down all illegal operations immediately to help save dogs’ lives and to protect public health.
#DogMeat #DogMeatTrade
#DogMeatTrade #dogmeat #seeanimalsasindividuals #indonesia
Sign our petition urging #Congress to support and quickly pass this #bill and so end the avoidable suffering and death for countless defenseless dogs!
#BanGreyhoundRacing #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals 🐕
#seeanimalsasindividuals #BanGreyhoundRacing #bill #congress
Simona Kossak (1943-2007) Polish biologist, ecologist, author, PhD in forestry, and uncompromising conservation activist
They called her a witch, because she chatted with animals and owned a terrorist-crow, who stole gold and attacked bicycle riders.
She spent more than 30 years in a wooden hut in the Białowieża Forest, without electricity or access to running water. A lynx slept in her bed, and a tamed boar lived under the same roof with her.
Photo Lech Wilczek
No other organisation has ever been able to achieve anything of this magnitude, and we are delighted that Soi Dog Foundation have been chosen by the Vietnamese government to collaborate on how to tackle ending the trade.
This is the beginning of the end of the barbaric and cruel consumption of dog and cats in Vietnam. 🇻🇳
- Soi Dog Foundation
#seeanimalsasindividuals #SoiDogFoundation #DogMeatTrade
#Dogs crammed into tiny cages, cowering in fear, and wallowing in unsanitary conditions — those were some of the horrific findings of a #LadyFreethinker investigation into S. Korea’s illegal dog meat trade in 2020.
3 yrs later, ~ 1 Mio. dogs are continuing to be brutally bred, killed, and dismembered for illegal #DogMeat every year.
Now, a new bill referred to as the Special Act aims to crack down on the gruesome dog meat trade in S. Korea.
#seeanimalsasindividuals #dogmeat #ladyfreethinker #dogs
Octopuses Have Remarkably Similar Sleep Patterns to Humans–and May Even Dream
Researchers found that, like us, the octopus transitions between two sleep stages, a “quiet” stage and an “active” stage that resembles REM sleep in mammals.
Their arms and eyes twitch, their breathing rate quickens, and their skin flashes with vibrant colors—which has led scientists to conjecture that they may even be dreaming.
#banoctopusfarming #octopus #seeanimalsasindividuals
Sign the petition urging the Attorney General of Malaysia to reassess this horrifically violent case and take appropriate action for the individual(s) involved. If people are not punished for such appallingly cruelty, the abuse will not stop so it’s critical officials take immediate action.
#ProtectOurWildlife #animals #monkeys #Malaysia #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals 🐒
#seeanimalsasindividuals #malaysia #monkeys #animals #protectourwildlife
All over the world, animals including dogs, pigs, and monkeys are being cruelly tested in labs. An investigation found out that the #ITR Labs in Canada forcefully pump chemicals into dogs, pigs, and monkey's stomachs, they cause severe burns on their skin, and put masks on them with toxic air. The testing absolutely has no use.
#BanAnimalTesting #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #AnimalRights
#animalrights #seeanimalsasindividuals #bananimaltesting #ITR
On this #WorldDayfortheEndofFishing, groups across the globe are rallying together to #StopOctopusFarming. Demonstrations are being held near Spanish embassies and restaurants that serve #octopus dishes.
Spanish company #NuevaPescanova has invested €65 million to build the world's first commercial octopus farm in Gran Canaria. Another Spanish seafood company is also entering the race to develop #OctopusFarming.
#BanOctopusFarming #SaveOurSeas #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals
#seeanimalsasindividuals #saveourseas #banoctopusfarming #octopusfarming #nuevapescanova #octopus #stopoctopusfarming #worlddayfortheendoffishing
#CalfRoping is one of the cruelest events at any #rodeo, and here’s some reasons:
RUNNING FOR THEIR LIVES: baby calves, as young as two months old, run for their lives.
PERPETUAL PAIN AND FEAR: It’s a life of being chased, flipped, thrown to the ground, choked every day, and pushed to the brink of injury and death.
FATAL OUTCOMES: autopsies of roping calves have concluded slow and unimaginable deaths.
#seeanimalsasindividuals #animalcruelty #bancalfroping #rodeo #calfroping
#FollowFriday time! This week, I'm focusing on #ClimateJustice accounts! If you care about #MotherEarth, follow these accounts for timely news about actions, causes and current events!
"Western Watersheds Project is a non-profit environmental conservation group that works to influence and improve #PublicLands management throughout the western United States in order to protect #NativeSpecies and conserve and restore the habitats they depend on. Our primary focus is on the negative impacts of #LivestockGrazing, including harm to ecological, biological, cultural, historic, archeological, scenic resources, and wilderness values."
"Natural born Hippie, Ökofeministin, Spiritual Punk
"Lentil-crisp-based human, climate collapse Cassandra. London, England. Books, wilderness, gardening, rage against the 6th mass extinction."
"A regular #Nature lover who curates a daily feed of news about the #Environment & #ClimateChange.
"Doing my best to stay informed and raise awareness about environmental crises, climate breakdown, and the rapacious, murderous impact of greedy capitalists and the politicians they own."
"#MMIW #pigoneer #BanKillShelters #BanOctopusFarming #RelistWolves #EndAnimalAg #StopShell #HumanRights #FindNaaruAlive #plantbasedfuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #ProtectOurWildlife #ReleaseIdrisKhattak #HaltTheHelicopters #SaveMollem #BanTrophyHunting #KeepItInTheGround #rewilding #SaveCongoRainforest"
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#followfriday #ClimateJustice #motherearth #publiclands #nativespecies #livestockgrazing #respectexistenceorexpectresistance #nature #environment #ClimateChange #mmiw #pigoneer #bankillshelters #banoctopusfarming #RelistWolves #endanimalag #stopshell #humanrights #findnaarualive #PlantBasedFuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #seeanimalsasindividuals #protectourwildlife #releaseidriskhattak #haltthehelicopters #savemollem #bantrophyhunting #keepitintheground #rewilding #SaveCongoRainForest #ClimateCrisis
Sam lived 8 years chained, his muscles were atrophied due to lack of movement, he had fungus on his skin from sleeping on the wet floor, ribs broken because he received wild beatings, skin cancer for always being exposed to the sun's rays.
I rescued Sam and did everything humanly possible to save his life, he fought for his life 3 months after his rescue Sam lost the battle.
Demand justice for Sam.
#SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #AnimalAbuse #NoChains #DogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #nochains #animalabuse #seeanimalsasindividuals
First day of #CheltenhamFestival2023 first horse already dead
#BanHorseRacing #ActNowForABetterTomorrow
#seeanimalsasindividuals #actnowforabettertomorrow #banhorseracing #cheltenhamfestival2023
Stop killing disabled animals - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/dDbFjhgc
#seeanimalsasindividuals #StopTheKilling #bankillshelters