How To Make #SeedBombs With 3 Different Techniques
by Kevin Espiritu, January 10, 2023
#Gardening #GardeningForPollinators #NoMowMay #SeedBalls #rewilding
#seedbombs #gardening #gardeningforpollinators #NoMowMay #seedballs #rewilding
#SeedBombs are great fun for children and adults!
"Whether it's a plant pot, flowerbed, wild patch in your lawn or an entire #meadow, sowing #wildflowers in your #garden provides vital resources to support a wide range of insects that couldn't otherwise survive in urban or built-up areas.
Throwing, breaking up or digging ‘seed bombs’ (or balls) into areas in your garden that need a little brightening up is a perfect way of spending an afternoon!
You will need:
- Meadow flower seeds or seeds collected from the garden.
- Peat-free compost.
- Powdered clay (found in craft - Mixing bowl.
Creating your seed bomb:
1. In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of seeds with 5 cups of compost and 2-3 cups of clay powder (you could use clay soil instead if you have it).
2. Slowly mix in water with your hands until everything sticks together.
3. Roll the mixture into firm balls.
4. Leave the balls to dry in a sunny spot.
5. Now for the fun bit! Plant your seed bombs by throwing them at bare parts of the garden and wait to see what pops up!
Top plants to include in your seed bombs:
- Bulbous #Buttercup - Ranunculus bulbosus
- #Chamomile - Chamaemelum nobile
- Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
- Common Knapweed - Centaurea nigra
- Common Spotted-orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii
- Lady's bedstraw - Galium verum
- Red #Clover - Trifolium pratense
- Wild #Thyme - Thymus polytrichus
#Gardening #GardeningForPollinators #NoMowMay #SeedBombs #SeedBalls #rewilding
#seedbombs #meadow #wildflowers #garden #buttercup #chamomile #clover #thyme #gardening #gardeningforpollinators #NoMowMay #seedballs #rewilding
@mckra1g I make my own native wildflower and milkweed seed bombs/balls -- using the paper mache method -- out of old newspaper (soaked in water, and formed into a hollow ball), fill it with potting soil and seeds, close it up, cover it in a blend of cinnamon and cayenne and curry powder (to discourage pests), then wrap it in a layer of tissue paper to hold it together. I then toss them out in areas that need them. The original version of these are made out of clay, but I haven't tried those yet.
How To Make Seed Bombs With 3 Different Techniques
by Kevin Espiritu, January 10, 2023
#Gardening #GardeningForPollinators #NoMowMay #SeedBombs #SeedBalls #rewilding
#gardening #gardeningforpollinators #NoMowMay #seedbombs #seedballs #rewilding
Bee-friendly fun: how to make seed balls for your garden
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Bee-friendly fun: how to make seed balls for your garden #clayseeddumplings #gardeningforbees #seedpellets #earthballs #nendodango #beeforage #gardening #seedballs #seedbombs
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Kleine Kugeln für mehr Grün
In Kenia sollen Samenkugeln die Versteppung der Landschaft aufhalten. Wenig Aufwand, grosse Wirkung – so die Hoffnung. Im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zählt jede Maßnahme.
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