@wizardofwor I do enjoy randomly #SeedBombing them multiple times, planting small #Landback signs all over, filling holes with sand, screaming FUCK YOUR #COLONIAL GOLF ON STOLEN LANDS or LANDBACK MUTHAFUCKERS & also occasionally launching water balloons from moving vehicles, at rich white folks on golf courses dressed in designer clothes, while middle fingering them as we drive past any golf courses 😎
#seedbombing #Landback #colonial #thatshowiroll
So if I were doing some seed bombing as part of a group project for a class, what would be some good ideas for planting locations?
#seedbombs #seedbombing #ecofeminism #pollinators
Here's an idea for the #antiLawn crew.
#SeedBombing is a fun activity that everyone can do, it helps our ecosystems, and is just plain good fun.
Restore a bit of life in your nearest dead green lawn, resurrect that empty lot nearby.
It's easy and almost impossible to trace back to anyone, just saying.
#antiLawn #seedbombing #noLawn #DirectAction #solarpunk
@stevelord my only wish regarding #SeedBombing is that people would use local native seeds so they’re not accidentally introducing invasive species into their local ecosystem. when in doubt plant dandelion.
For those who voted in the #USMidtermElections2022, I don't necessarily discourage it. I voted. But we must acknowledge that voting is not enough. We are given a limited and unhelpful (to put it mildly) set of realistic choices, with a #Vote that gets thrown in with millions of not discarded outright, for people to govern us, once every two years. There's not a lot that can be accomplished through #electoralism--not nothing, but not much.
#DirectAction. That's the way to change systems. For #ClimateJustice and #Ecosocialism, examples include starting and helping out in #CommunityGardening projects, collecting materials that would have gone to waste and turning them into useful things (ie making woven #Plarn or paper clay containers and furniture from used plastic and paper bags), #SeedBombing empty lots with native, edible, and #PollinatorFriendly plants, carpooling or riding public transit, and even blocking, obstructing, or sabotaging fossil fuel and deforestation infrastructure (don't get caught, though). The #Solarpunk community is generating, spreading, and acting on many such ideas.
We will also need to support direct action through research on critical issues and effective actions, communication (including through the arts) to spread our ideas and share our methods, and living our lives in #prefigurative ways for a better world.
For decades, the capitalist state has known about #EcologicalBreakdown, has faced public demand to stop it, and has done next to nothing. They're not going to start now. It's on us to stop ecological destruction from reaching its worst outcomes, and it's on us to build the structures we need to survive and adapt on this planet as it does face crisis and harm. Capitalism, hierarchy, and the state don't have a place in a #Sustainable future, anyway.
#USmidtermelections2022 #vote #electoralism #DirectAction #ClimateJustice #ecosocialism #CommunityGardening #Plarn #seedbombing #PollinatorFriendly #solarpunk #prefigurative #EcologicalBreakdown #sustainable