How to make your own #seedbombs to spread #biodiversity in your area #gardening
#seedbombs #biodiversity #gardening
Passend zum Beginn der ukrainischen Offensive gibt es jetzt im #Klimacamp #Freiburg #seedbombs!
#klimacamp #freiburg #seedbombs #Ukrainekrieg #ukraine #ukrainecounteroffensive
How To Make #SeedBombs With 3 Different Techniques
by Kevin Espiritu, January 10, 2023
#Gardening #GardeningForPollinators #NoMowMay #SeedBalls #rewilding
#seedbombs #gardening #gardeningforpollinators #NoMowMay #seedballs #rewilding
#SeedBombs are great fun for children and adults!
"Whether it's a plant pot, flowerbed, wild patch in your lawn or an entire #meadow, sowing #wildflowers in your #garden provides vital resources to support a wide range of insects that couldn't otherwise survive in urban or built-up areas.
Throwing, breaking up or digging ‘seed bombs’ (or balls) into areas in your garden that need a little brightening up is a perfect way of spending an afternoon!
You will need:
- Meadow flower seeds or seeds collected from the garden.
- Peat-free compost.
- Powdered clay (found in craft - Mixing bowl.
Creating your seed bomb:
1. In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of seeds with 5 cups of compost and 2-3 cups of clay powder (you could use clay soil instead if you have it).
2. Slowly mix in water with your hands until everything sticks together.
3. Roll the mixture into firm balls.
4. Leave the balls to dry in a sunny spot.
5. Now for the fun bit! Plant your seed bombs by throwing them at bare parts of the garden and wait to see what pops up!
Top plants to include in your seed bombs:
- Bulbous #Buttercup - Ranunculus bulbosus
- #Chamomile - Chamaemelum nobile
- Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
- Common Knapweed - Centaurea nigra
- Common Spotted-orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii
- Lady's bedstraw - Galium verum
- Red #Clover - Trifolium pratense
- Wild #Thyme - Thymus polytrichus
#Gardening #GardeningForPollinators #NoMowMay #SeedBombs #SeedBalls #rewilding
#seedbombs #meadow #wildflowers #garden #buttercup #chamomile #clover #thyme #gardening #gardeningforpollinators #NoMowMay #seedballs #rewilding
@mckra1g I make my own native wildflower and milkweed seed bombs/balls -- using the paper mache method -- out of old newspaper (soaked in water, and formed into a hollow ball), fill it with potting soil and seeds, close it up, cover it in a blend of cinnamon and cayenne and curry powder (to discourage pests), then wrap it in a layer of tissue paper to hold it together. I then toss them out in areas that need them. The original version of these are made out of clay, but I haven't tried those yet.
How To Make Seed Bombs With 3 Different Techniques
by Kevin Espiritu, January 10, 2023
#Gardening #GardeningForPollinators #NoMowMay #SeedBombs #SeedBalls #rewilding
#gardening #gardeningforpollinators #NoMowMay #seedbombs #seedballs #rewilding
Falls ihr gerade ein Donnerwetter gehört habt:
Ich habe meinen Nachbar (Rasen/Ziergehölz) geräuschvoll darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass ich (unordentlich, Tier/Pflanzenleben) es richtig schei…ße finde, wenn er gegebene Grenzen ignoriert und von meinem Buschwerk wegmäht/schneidet, was ihn stört (=eigentlich alles, was lebt).
Dann also #Seedbombs 😈
Have you lost a loved one to Alzheimer's/dementia? I paint unique memento moris designed to celebrate their memories & hold space for their loss. Each is a to-scale, realistic, seed bomb containing forget-me-not seeds. Designed to be planted instead of displayed on a wall or shelf, they're an exercise in remembrance, growth, & letting go. "Commissions" available on my site.
#alzheimersawareness #artcommissions #seedbombs #art
Bee-friendly fun: how to make seed balls for your garden #clayseeddumplings #gardeningforbees #seedpellets #earthballs #nendodango #beeforage #gardening #seedballs #seedbombs
#clayseeddumplings #gardeningforbees #seedpellets #earthballs #nendodango #beeforage #gardening #seedballs #seedbombs
California’s rain water problem reminded me of this book; got it in print when it first came out, excellent read. If you are looking to make a change in how you use and share your resources, then this is a wonderful book to start with.
#Permaculture #Sustainability #DumpsterDiving #WaterRecycling #SeedBombs #GuerillaGardening #Resilience #PostCarbon #GreenWizardry #SolarPunk
#permaculture #sustainability #dumpsterdiving #waterrecycling #seedbombs #guerillagardening #resilience #postcarbon #greenwizardry #solarpunk
So if I were doing some seed bombing as part of a group project for a class, what would be some good ideas for planting locations?
#seedbombs #seedbombing #ecofeminism #pollinators
Liebes #Fediverse,
der Frühling kommt unaufhaltsam näher und macht auch vor unserem Thementisch nicht halt - wenn wir ehrlich sind, so richtig winterlich war es in #Freiburg ja ohnehin nicht 🌷
Neben etlichen Neuerscheinungen und (modernen) Klassikern rund ums Gärtnern, Draußensein und Naturgenießen gibt es #Sachbücher zum Thema #Umweltschutz sowie - Trommelwirbel 🥁 - #SeedBombs für die grüne Stadtguerilla unter Euch 😉
Kommt gesund durch und alles Gute!
#fediverse #freiburg #sachbucher #umweltschutz #seedbombs
@ansgartrinkmann Warum musstest Du auch zum Bombenbau aufrufen? 😂 #Seedbombs
Ich wohne in einem Ort, der von diesen hässlichen Vorgarten-Steinwüsten im besonderen Maße gesegnet ist.
Mit Katzenstreu (Tonerde), Erde und Blumensamen, Wasser und Bier kann man Seedbombs für die lieben Kleinen basteln und dabei ein Bier trinken.
Die #Seedbombs verschenken ich jedes Jahr auf dem Flohmarkt.
In meine Mischung kommt immer eine Tüte Backmohn.
Well, this snowbound stuff has resulted in me making more #nativeplant #seedbombs 😊 Ready to drop/bury into local colonial government gardens as soon as snow/ice is gone! I am also planting more cannabis seeds in Government House gardens & doing it in different way, to ensure they'll sprout! I'm a longtime nighttime ninja decolonizing seed bomber.
#NativePlant #seedbombs #fuckcolonizers #bombplantthesystem #rewild
Andrew Sage — What is Solar Punk?
external link with readable transcript:
#solarpunk #greenanarchy #seedbombs
— How radical gardeners took back New York City
" Seed bombs, the "tree lady of Brooklyn," and the roots of urban gardening.
New York City looked a lot different in the late 20th century. A sharp economic decline and white flight meant there was mass disinvestment and urban decay, particularly in the city’s lower-income neighborhoods. "
#SeedBombs #SeedBomb #NewYorkCity #Gardening #Gardeners #Gardener #radical #feminism #reappropriation #activism #BlackCommunities
#seedbombs #seedbomb #newyorkcity #gardening #gardeners #gardener #radical #feminism #reappropriation #activism #blackcommunities
I had my first day in the office this year and was delighted to see that the fruits of my #seedbombs last year (see thread: ) got some descendants. 🤗
The last fruits of the #seedbombs from March are ready to be harvested by birds.
Who knows when I'll get the chance to pass by this spot again.
Update: been (physically) to work yesterday and saw one of the #SeedBombs 'boom'ed up since March 🤗🌿💚
I saw two more today but didn't take the time take a picture.
Allora, messaggio ai maledetti fricchettoni: le #seedBombs sono una tecnica per capire la risposta biologica di un terreno dalle proprietà non note, al più un modo per gettare rovi in giardini privati. Non sono una tecnica di semina.
#fukuoka #bombedisemi
#seedbombs #fukuoka #bombedisemi