劇場版『機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』第2弾PV ##SEEDDESTINY ##SEEDFREEDOM #SEED #ガンダム #ガンダムseed #ガンチャン #機動戦士ガンダム #機動戦士ガンダムSEED
#seeddestiny #seedfreedom #seed #ガンダム #ガンダムseed #ガンチャン #機動戦士ガンダム #機動戦士ガンダムseed
Around the world there are thousands of unique foods and flavours - varieties of fruits, grains, vegetables and animal breeds. And products of a specific place, from a type of bread, to a style of cheese.
Many are endangered and disappearing. We need to help save them.
Food diversity can help increase resilience around the world, and protect against future threats including climate change.
Food Diversity is essential for our health and for the health of the planet.
Food Diversity is part of our identity. It is part of our culture.
Food Diversity represents our past and our future.
#seedfreedom #fooddiversity #heirloomseeds #nogmo #agroforestry
#agroforestry #nogmo #heirloomseeds #FoodDiversity #seedfreedom
Eine großartige Frau bietet #monsanto-#bayer, #gates & Co. die Stirn:
"Vandana Shiva – Ein Leben für die Erde"
"Wer echte Waffen verkauft, kontrolliert Armeen, wer Nahrung kontrolliert, kontrolliert die Gesellschaft. Und wer das Saatgut kontrolliert, kontrolliert das Leben auf der Erde."
#monsanto #bayer #gates #ecofeminism #seedfreedom #foodfreedom