#ITM Just turned on #seedman & his #1 lackey (i like him) mentioning #AlexWasRight again!
#billcooperwasright on many things as well and he was murdered on #GuyFawlkes Day!!
#NOAGENDA with @adam & @Johncdvorak have been right for #years and #noagenda #TBPITHU (the best podcast in the universe) when not right, usually correct that info on the next episode!! #noagenda has the best, most #diverse #producer (s) on #Earth
They're #humble & don't remind us every breath, but #everyone should know
#itm #seedman #alexwasright #billcooperwasright #guyfawlkes #noagenda #years #TBPITHU #diverse #producer #earth #humble #everyone
@mrmcmayhem Mountain House is the good shit. real question is if the #seedman prediction about a Sleepy Joe announcement will happen too. Should be fun.
@IcyGrillz @wdelaet 2008, my bad. this was my intro to the #seedman https://mega.nz/file/sqgEgZ6T#-4_Tl0NpCFmp-1gIx873DMXv_Um9E3Z3OS9XBmkVYJU
@Johncdvorak I've always viewed him as a taking a #SeedMan true fan perspective on politics.
@darrenoneill @ProfWorr @ThatLARRYSHOW I can follow several folks on Gab like the #seedman - I've also seen interaction from them to myself so we should be fully federated
"I'm sick them putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs ๐ธ gay!"
#seedman #atrazine #gayfrogs #fish
"You are being Chemically Castrated and It's Being Covered Up By The Government."
https://youtu.be/Mq3TccjFrcQ https://noagendasocial.com/media/oFqQOntI5B81vRNAmKU
#seedman #atrazine #gayfrogs #fish
Enjoyed listening to @adam on the #SeedMan show. Learned a lot more about Uncle Don, who apparently is #TheMostInterestingManInTheWorld
#seedman #themostinterestingmanintheworld