isn’t #XBB116 rising quick & fast in India? But don’t worry, if you’re on the #alwaysInfected plan, it’ll be mild🤡
this is how #variants spread #mutate & accelerate spread
people need to stop looking to celebrities & public figures for #publicHealth guidance
#wearADamnMask #novavax #HEPA #covidIsNotOver no matter how much you wish it to be. You’re not 5 yrs old; grow tf up #zeroCovid #NoCovid #iWantMyNovavaxNow #matrixM #mucosalimmunity sord of.. #seeingIsBelieving
#xbb116 #alwaysinfected #variants #mutate #publichealth #WearADamnMask #novavax #HEPA #CovidIsNotOver #ZeroCovid #noCovid #iwantmynovavaxnow #matrixm #mucosalimmunity #seeingisbelieving
Weird how when you are not looking for something, you don't see it until another points it out. Sometimes being a passenger is just fine with me! #lettinggo #seeingisbelieving