I saw a Mar 6 post on other social media from #SceneOnRadio podcast host, John Biewen, saying that #DukeU’s #CenterForDocumentaryStudies is being reorganized, and as a result, he’s been let go.
A few years ago, I stumbled upon Scene On Radio podcasts season, #SeeingWhite. Early episodes (esp Ep3, “Made In America” on how “whiteness” was created) were eye opening and permanently changed my perspective.
Wishing John Biewen well & hope that he + others laid off end up in better places.
#sceneonradio #dukeu #centerfordocumentarystudies #seeingwhite
@jbiewen Glad to see you on Mastodon. I started following your work with #SeeingWhite and have subsequently listened to all the seasons. I always learn a lot from and appreciate the work you do with a variety of collaborators!