PC · @PChoate
382 followers · 2845 posts · Server mas.to

1) don’t need religion, needs people.

2) before identity is completely formed is easy. It’s called education. Whole countries are controlled by cults (North Korea). All and .

This makes and functioning important. It also makes .

#dangerous #socialmedia #primarily #families #schools #information #leadership #seek #brainwashing #religion #people #fft #foodforthought #totd #thoughtoftheday

Last updated 1 year ago

Mark Graf · @grafphoto
146 followers · 493 posts · Server mstdn.social

Happy 🍄

I photographed this Fairy Ring mushroom in my yard this week (Marasmius oreades). ID according to , at least not ID'd as a . ;)

#mycelium #mushrooms #macrophotography #macro #Nature #dicot #seek #FungiFriday

Last updated 1 year ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
6 followers · 1601 posts · Server tastingtraffic.net

- !

If my people which are called by my name will and and my face and turn from their ways, then will I from and their and their !

We have to do the job as followers, when the world sees us they need to see Jesus, not with name calling or insulting, but doing and saying what Jesus would be if he were here, that's the only way things are going to change! Thank you carman, watch for him people, he is going on tour!


* I’m here listening to a lot of his songs this morning due to his passing...all three songs I listened to so far this morning has put tears in my eyes. No one else did songs this powerful in my opinion.


* "If you're born-again you don't need to look to the stars for your answers, because you can look to the very one who made those stars."--

* RIP Carman. You are the true and you will be forever

* We need everyone to to and his to ..



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

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* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
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Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

- !

If my people which are called by my name will and and my face and turn from their ways, then will I from and their and their !

We have to do the job as followers, when the world sees us they need to see Jesus, not with name calling or insulting, but doing and saying what Jesus would be if he were here, that's the only way things are going to change! Thank you carman, watch for him people, he is going on tour!


* I’m here listening to a lot of his songs this morning due to his passing...all three songs I listened to so far this morning has put tears in my eyes. No one else did songs this powerful in my opinion.


* "If you're born-again you don't need to look to the stars for your answers, because you can look to the very one who made those stars."--

* RIP Carman. You are the true and you will be forever

* We need everyone to to and his to ..



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine

#Carman #America_Again #Humble #themselves #pray #seek #wicked #hear #heaven #forgive #sin #heal #land #jesus #GOD_BLESS_ALL #youtube #Carman_Licciardello #Champion #missed #god #archangels #DESTROY #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

Sjaak Keuvelaar · @sjaakkeuvelaar
381 followers · 2692 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Dit is . Doet beestjes en planten.
Werkt wmb fijner dan , al gebruik ik beide apps door elkaar.

#obsidentify #seek

Last updated 1 year ago

Maria Gatta · @M_Gatta
314 followers · 423 posts · Server ecoevo.social

iNaturalist connects people to nature & so far has created a strong community of nature lovers. In 2018, they built a computer model to identify observations based on the data they had already collected. The model gives you suggestions as to what you have seen. This is how was born!

Seek is an Augmented Reality app for your phone that allows you to identify species on the fly with your phone You can optionally put your observations into iNaturalist.

#seek #game4nature

Last updated 1 year ago

Mycotropic · @mycotropic
803 followers · 2099 posts · Server geekdom.social

@Bette @helplessduck says it's in the same family, primrose, beeblossoms and something else.


Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Dalley · @kevindalley
84 followers · 653 posts · Server sfba.social
k e i r e n · @keirenmitchell
110 followers · 212 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

“In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things.”

—René Descartes

( by Gnoori Design)

#art #descartes #truth #doubt #seek #Life #quote

Last updated 2 years ago

JimmyB · @JimmyB
176 followers · 2005 posts · Server mas.to

1/ Walked thru the 'garden streets' of
on my way home from work yesterday, looking more than a little odd as I tried out the plant identification app (very good by the way).

It's just so lovely: the trees ranged from full bloom - like the cherries and bird cherries - or not started at all like the plane trees.

#trees #gardening #seek #zurich

Last updated 2 years ago

Quokka · @Quokka
1049 followers · 1128 posts · Server tictoc.social

Boss has just said he has a meeting on Friday where pay rises will be set. And the max anyone can expect is 1.5%.
Have explained that means I'll be 98.5% on Seek next week then.

#inflation #payrise #seek

Last updated 2 years ago

Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕 · @meraord
1515 followers · 4865 posts · Server mastodonsweden.se

Det är ändå humor när man fotar en sköldpadda med och appen tror att det är en insekt 😁😁😁


Last updated 2 years ago

R. Natale Fine Art · @rnatale
683 followers · 5369 posts · Server mstdn.social

"Remember that seeking has finding as its correlative." T. Troward Have a wonderful Friday everyone.


#LandscapePhotography #vision #faith #find #seek #Sunset #MastoArt #Artist #Art #ayearforart #Peace #Photography #inspiration

Last updated 2 years ago

Troll & :bus_w11: · @Troll
3172 followers · 65500 posts · Server maly.io

Dsl, je connais pas.
Mais il y a l'app qui est pas trop mal pour identifier les plantes, a tester éventuellement ^^




Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
308 followers · 9520 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Shannon Green · @shannongreen
18 followers · 199 posts · Server universeodon.com

It's my and to while we (for instance). She can have the of her, all the showing her the answer - but because she doesn't what she's looking at or how to it she can't see the answer or how to get to it. She puts and into herself, getting upset, instead of focusing on what is infront of her that holds the .

I thought this was an interesting for what a lot of still tend to do as when faced with things they do not comprehend or can not the answer they .


to and to

#interesting #observing #child #learning #trying #comprehend #homeschool #math #answer #right #infront #tools #know #approach #energy #emotion #frustrating #key #metaphor #humans #adults #find #seek #lessonsinlove #grateful #daily #reflection #thankyou #stop #breathe #often #observe #have #compassion #connect #higherself #spirit #just #be #rise #above #see

Last updated 2 years ago

britishhiphop.co.uk · @britishhiphop
2 followers · 100 posts · Server mastodon.online

Monsters Before Midday ft. DJ Woody – Run It Back [Video]

Burnley based producer Seek The Northerner is the head of the Monsters Before Midday crew which is comprised of MCs Karlow from Northentic Records and Eurgh of Don't Flop fame. Run It Bac



#britishhiphop #seekthenortherner #seek #RunItBack #northenticrecords #monstersbeforemidday #karlow #eurgh #don #djwoody

Last updated 2 years ago

Lars Öberg · @larsoberg
44 followers · 102 posts · Server mastodon.green
tomwsmf · @tomwsmf
29 followers · 114 posts · Server dobbs.town

#hide #seek

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly Cantrell-Kringle ✅ · @mckra1g
1498 followers · 1554 posts · Server mastodon.social

We live in a call and response universe. It may seem silly to ask for answers aloud, but when it starts to work, you’ll understand why. Ask daily. Keep an open mind when it comes to the forms the answers take.


#disruption #change #newyears #growthmindset #ask #chaos #drseuss #author #lifelessons #lifehack #seek #founder #writers

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Saxby · @martinsaxby
103 followers · 90 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

I hope you have a wonderful . I recorded this reading of the Christmas story for our service. It tells of the men who out to him - those who are wise still worship Him today! Do watch it and at becoming a man in Jesus. Happy Christmas!
Thanks Peter and Rugby Elim Church for producing the video.

#christmas #RugbyElim #Carol #Wise #seek #Jesus #worship #wonder #god

Last updated 2 years ago