"I have sympathy for anyone in our country who is concerned for our services or their own future, but terrorising victims of war and torture is unforgivable. Our politicians’ rhetoric of hate and division is destroying our society and our British value"
- Clare Mosley Care4Calais
Not a single senior politician of ANY party could have put it better. And none of them have even tried. #UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #Fascism #FuckTheTories #HopeNotHate #HumanRights #SeekingAsylumIsNotACrime
#seekingasylumisnotacrime #humanrights #hopenothate #FuckTheTories #fascism #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics
Hands up who'd forgotten about this story. Because I had and I'm ashamed of myself:
#SeekingAsylumIsNotACrime #RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome #seekingasylumisnotacrime
For the young man, detained at Manston ‘processing’ camp who has died.
#nomoredeaths #endetention #safepassage #seekingasylumisnotacrime #freedomfrommanston #manston #refugeesarewelcomehere
#nomoredeaths #endetention #safepassage #seekingasylumisnotacrime #freedomfrommanston #manston #refugeesarewelcomehere
Extremely proud of students from @BeneavinCollege who are campaigning on behalf of asylum seekers Amir Zahiri & Akif Razuli, sentenced for 50 years in Greece under blanket smuggling laws. They said it best - you cannot be selective with humanity #seekingasylumisnotacrime
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ClareDalyMEP/status/1524348576276652032
In Lesvos with @SteliosKoul to support Amir Zahiri and Akif Razuli, two asylum seekers appealing huge sentences under Greece's indiscriminate smuggling laws. We are campaigning for their acquittal and for all charges to be dropped #seekingasylumisnotacrime
RT @Left_EU: Stop criminalising people trying to escape violence!
@ClareDalyMEP & @SteliosKoul are going to Greece to monitor the trial of two Afghan #asylumseekers.
Amir Zahi…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ClareDalyMEP/status/1511954613179670531
#seekingasylumisnotacrime #asylumseekers