My first blog on Wordpress:
#RootOfAllEvil #LoveOfMoney #SelfCenteredness #FirstBlog #MostImportantKeysToLife #Truth #Reality #bible #Scriptures #TrueLove Is Caring About Others More Than Oneself.
Though It Cost All You Have, #GainUnderstanding
#rootofallevil #loveofmoney #selfcenteredness #firstblog #mostimportantkeystolife #truth #reality #bible #scriptures #truelove #gainunderstanding #seekwisdom
Two secrets that are thousands of years old.
1. Don’t just work hard. Work hard AND work smart.
2. Seek all the wisdom you can get. Then you’ll be more successful.
Thanks Solomon. It was good advice then, and it is good advice now.
#productivity #ecclesiastes #worksmart #seekwisdom