Artists and journalists are never far from my mind – if you know one, or you are one, applications are open through June 9th for the year-long Peace Studio Fellowship, which pairs 5 artists + 5 journalists (US-based) and includes $10K and a paid retreat this September...
Details and application:
#Artists #Journalists #SeeTheFuture #Humanity #Vision #BuildingCommunity
#artists #journalists #seethefuture #Humanity #vision #buildingcommunity
From the Pathways to Sustainability conference 🌳
I think shifting from growth to appreciation will be key in living happy & sustainable in 2060 (and 2030) 🫶🏻
What do you think is 🗝️ to changing into a better future?
Moodboard on the smell of urban nature
with small stubborn plants, concrete petrichor and individual nature at home
#Urbanicity #SeeTheFuture
The biodiversity in urban nature is often higher than in its highly controlled mono landscape hinterland
#Urbanicity #SeeTheFuture
I played at the Climate Casino and learned that clothing wise the absolute best you can do is buy everything second-hand 🩷
How do you increase awareness, engagement and practice participation and positive climate action?
Games 🤗
#UU we have to act on behalf of a better planet as most state actors are not acting at all #SeeTheFuture
We project the things we miss in our present as solved into our future but it is more likely that our future is going to be just as complex and uncomfortable as our present - yet differently #SeeTheFuture
Music that takes the perspective of a tree & children looking back on us now #SeeTheFuture
In 2023 we thought silence & musli is nice
Everything changed 😜
The world didn't transition - there was a revolution
A complete and sudden change sparked by something stupid #SeeTheFuture
2060 has a strict day / night schedule
Creating a 'light market' for underground rave parties in the night
Darkness overall is considered a luxury
2060 giving us the task in 2023
Check where your pension fund is invested
Help other countries leapfrog to the better solutions
Stars returned in the sky when the countryside went dark at night. The horror year of 2027 when the US and China filled the skies with lasers - this accidentally caused the insect apocalypse. Collapse of food followed by revolt of the people. They took back the night. #SeeTheFuture
Rewilding with tiny goats - so wolves would stop eating suburban grandmas - and botanical gardens allowing everyone to come, pick and grow elsewhere #SeeTheFuture
Today is the 4th April 2060 & we are looking back at how we got at the wonderful, green, equal planet we live on today #SeeTheFuture
Today attending the conference “Pathways to Sustainability”. We are in 2060 and looking back at transition twenties #seethefuture by @utrechtuniversity
Will be here today to experience the future #SeeTheFuture #sustainabilty #imagine
#seethefuture #sustainabilty #imagine