@james Well, is it a question of whether killing some people to enable faster driving is worth it, or whether you actually get to your destination faster in a system where you're at risk of getting killed or doing some killing when anybody makes a simple mistake? If it's a matter of politics, let's be specific about what we're trading for what, exactly. IDK if better video production of #SeeYouAtTheNextLight & co would make people realize they are not saving time, especially in the long run.
traffic signal: a fresh red
sign: "share the road"
me: signaling left
kid driving her parents' SUV: MGIF
[volume warning for me yelling into closed windows]
#seeYouAtTheNextLight #BarburBlvd at 19th/Capitol Hill Rd (RIP Miro Nik Brankovich, killed on Jun 4 2020 by the end of this guardrail) #ODOTGTFOpdx #Vision60or70Something
#seeyouatthenextlight #barburblvd #odotgtfopdx #vision60or70something
and yes that was 100% a #SeeYouAtTheNextLight situation 4 cars deep at a red, just around the curve.
#seeYouAtTheNextLight NE 33rd and Prescott where's the bike lane? Did I leave my phone's googlemaps in car directions oh lol I think I did. #pdxBikes #Portland #drivers you get the #pdxTraffic you build for. Let's do #ClimateAction and pull that #InducedDemand lever for fewer stinky cars and more people on bikes.
#seeyouatthenextlight #pdxbikes #portland #drivers #pdxtraffic #climateaction #induceddemand
#seeYouAtTheNextLight #honky #drivers on #BarburBlvd π sorry you wanted to #hurryUpAndWait at a full stop instead of rolling into a fresh green like me π #pdxTraffic
#seeyouatthenextlight #honky #drivers #barburblvd #hurryupandwait #pdxtraffic
@tmstreet We need to quit reinforcing this fallacy that #DriverConvenience is on the line when #carSupremacy is challenged. This system of bouncing between deadly speeds and standstill #trafficCongestion / #seeYouAtTheNextLight is unpredictable and inconvenient for #drivers, many of whom are not driving by choice, or very long trips, but choose cars for fear of cars / lack of enough space having been allocated to bike/walk/transit options. & costs them $5-10k/yr, classist entry fee to society.
#driverconvenience #carsupremacy #trafficcongestion #seeyouatthenextlight #drivers
@ingalls @scott the '"green wave" speed in downtown Portland is like 12-15mph. They change it based on the time of day, I wish they would have a readout that says what it is. (Would that stop drivers from racing to stop in front of me?) #SeeYouAtTheNextLight
#seeYouAtTheNextLight to all four of these speeding #drivers who passed me on Terwilliger to wait at the red light. Why does #PBOT prioritize extra lane width and speed just to waste it waiting on cross-traffic? Cars can't get out of their own way and we're sacrificing the #safety and #accessibility of our entire #transportation system, and hopes of #ClimateAction, in a futile effort to make car travel faster than 15mph. Note, the painted bike gutter isn't even continuous.
#seeyouatthenextlight #drivers #pbot #safety #accessibility #transportation #climateaction
riding from Terwilliger, Capitol Hwy, Barbur, and Naito to downtown #Portland
#seeYouAtTheNextLight these drivers then follow the sharrows to hell. This entire stretch of #SWBarbur and Naito is such a waste and 100% the mayor's fault, even if it is ODOT's road. Note the temporary fence where a scooter user (probably) went over the sidewalk, took out the guardrail on their way down the cliff.
#pdxBikes #ODOTGTFOpdx #HurryUpAndWait
#portland #seeyouatthenextlight #swbarbur #pdxbikes #odotgtfopdx #hurryupandwait
@enobacon I love catching them at the next light. Happy smile and wave on the outside, deep pools of sarcastic delight on the inside. #SeeYouAtTheNextLight #BikeLife #WhyWeRide #cycling
#seeyouatthenextlight #bikelife #whyweride #cycling
"The motorcade had to slow and the cyclist caught up, still offering the finger" still gets me π€£ Juli Briskman
How many of these cars that you're next to here at the red light are the ones that flew past you on the bridge @activetowns ? Seems like at least a few. #SeeYouAtTheNextLight
Got flipped off by a driver who was aggressively tailgating me, with a kid on my bike, due to us having delayed her reaching a red light by about 5 seconds (not quite long enough to save her from coming to a full stop, must be an environmentalist π.) #SeeYouAtTheNextLight
This one did finally back off a little (I was doing 20-25mph) maybe once they saw that the light was red but seriously what is wrong with people #SeeYouAtTheNextLight
@thebostonlol hard to watch on a TikTok but was that a #seeYouAtTheNextLight with that grey car? #trafficEngineering accomplished what? π
#seeyouatthenextlight #trafficengineering