Decided to fast forward to the last two episodes and was glad I didn't power through this drama. The ending would have pissed me off royally - not to mention it didn't make any sense 🤣
#kdrama #kdramas #seeyouinmy19thlife
Fourth episode and I am still bored 😅 I am more interested in the details of her past lives instead of her current mission in making Seo-love her. I think part of my disinterest is that it feels like a very one sided love affair.
So I might be also shopping for a bikini whilst watching Ep 9 of #kDrama #SeeYouInMy19thLife. I just went from 'Mmmm, IS Eres 3D perfection or just conspicuous consumption?" to find myself crying whilst smiling within seconds of looking up. Don't know what it is about this one that hits all my buttons (almost certainly purely Shin Hye sun) The second leads are adorable too.
TV TONIGHT (July 23)
#SpecialOpsLioness #DeadCity #TheLazarusProject #SeeYouInMy19thLife #TheFoodThatBuiltAmerica #TheMegaBrandsThatBuiltAmerica #MLB #NASCAR #OpenChampionship #ToughAsNails #TheChosen #CelebrityFamilyFeud #Bunkd #LookWhosStalking
#lookwhosstalking #bunkd #CelebrityFamilyFeud #TheChosen #toughasnails #OpenChampionship #nascar #mlb #themegabrandsthatbuiltamerica #thefoodthatbuiltamerica #seeyouinmy19thlife #TheLazarusProject #deadcity #specialopslioness
@EllenInEdmonton @Hanktank Currently, I’m watching Doom At Your Service. It’s hard to watch immediately after finishing #HoteldelLuna which was simply amazing. But I’m going to finish it. It’s an okay story but I chose to watch it at the wrong time. Then I might try #SeeYouInMy19thLife
#seeyouinmy19thlife #hoteldelluna
missing out watching the latest KTL episodes is forcing me to stay off social media 💀
also goes for .. My 19th Life
shhhh or at least CW your posts ty guys
#kdrama #kingtheland #seeyouinmy19thlife
one more day to king the land and ... my 19th life 🥲
#kdrama #kingtheland #seeyouinmy19thlife
#VejoVocêNaPróximaVida (#SeeYouInMy19thLife #이번생도잘부탁해)
Cho-won acreditou na Ji-eun. O acidente de carro foi de propósito e era pra matar o Seo-ha. O pai do secretário Ha era o motorista, q tbm morreu no acidente. 🤯
#vejovocenaproximavida #seeyouinmy19thlife #이번생도잘부탁해
#VejoVocêNaPróximaVida (#SeeYouInMy19thLife #이번생도잘부탁해)
Ji-eun dançou com o Seo-ha na praia. 🥰 Ri muito quando ela foi fazer o resgate com a sirene da polícia no alto-falante. 🤣 Ela contou pra irmã sobre ser a Ju-won. 😲 Teoria: o funcionário novo do restaurante foi fazer uma poção/ritual pra ser imortal e a Ji-eun acabou tomando/fazendo parte tbm. Será?
#vejovocenaproximavida #seeyouinmy19thlife #이번생도잘부탁해
#VejoVocêNaPróximaVida (#SeeYouInMy19thLife #이번생도잘부탁해) é sobre a 19a reencarnação de Ban Ji-eun. Ela não sabe pq sempre volta e se lembra de suas vidas passadas. Mas foi em busca de seu amor da 18a vida e está tentando conquistá-lo. Achei os 4 primeiros epis muito bons!
#vejovocenaproximavida #seeyouinmy19thlife #이번생도잘부탁해
have not got the first refrain from this out of my head today. #SeeYouInMy19thLife #KDrama #sunwoojunga
#sunwoojunga #kdrama #seeyouinmy19thlife
TV TONIGHT (June 17)
#TheWeddingContract #StrengthOfAWoman #AEWCollision #MastersOfIllusion #KingTheLand #SeeYouInMy19thLife #HomicideForTheHolidays #USOpen #SpecialOlympics #MLB #UFC #Boxing #JohnEarly #ExtraordinaryBirder #VacationHouseRules
#vacationhouserules #extraordinarybirder #johnearly #boxing #ufc #mlb #specialolympics #USOpen #homicidefortheholidays #seeyouinmy19thlife #kingtheland #mastersofillusion #aewcollision #strengthofawoman #theweddingcontract
TV TONIGHT (June 17)
#TheWeddingContract #StrengthOfAWoman #AEWCollision #MastersOfIllusion #KingTheLand #SeeYouInMy19thLife #HomicideForTheHolidays #USOpen #SpecialOlympics #MLB #UFC #Boxing #JohnEarly #ExtraordinaryBirder #VacationHouseRules
#vacationhouserules #extraordinarybirder #johnearly #boxing #ufc #mlb #specialolympics #USOpen #homicidefortheholidays #seeyouinmy19thlife #kingtheland #mastersofillusion #aewcollision #strengthofawoman #theweddingcontract
Webtoons (ongoing):
#DeathRescheduled by Snailords
#Atnomen by IlustrAriane
#Stagtown by Punko
& More
#LoreOlympus #purplehyacinth #omniscientreader #heartstoper #deathrescheduled #atnomen #stagtown #theguyupstairs #brimstoneandroses #castleswimmer #suitorarmor #thewitchandthebull #BladesofFurry #mageanddemonqueen #midnightpoppyland #bloodreverie #letsplay #menoftheharem #theremarriedempress #yourthrone #likewindonadrybranch #LoveAndLeashes #secretlady #seeyouinmy19thlife #thesirenbecomingthevillainsfamily #myunexpectedmarriage