djm · @notesencantos
82 followers · 159 posts · Server

"In the meantime, trackers like the Walgreens public positivity tracker can be used as an additional indicator for where positive cases are happening–and it too suggests a continued increase in cases, with a national positivity rate of 44.7% as of last week, the highest rate since May 2021."


#covid #COVID19 #LongCovid #pandemic #PandemicIsNotOver #seeyousafer

Last updated 1 year ago

field notes · @notesencantos
81 followers · 150 posts · Server

"It is essential that the international working class understand the continued threat posed by COVID-19 and build a global movement, in unity with scientists and progressive layers of the middle class, fighting for the principles of public health."

#COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #publichealththreat #globalhealththreat

Last updated 1 year ago

TheBird · @TheBird
1066 followers · 1140 posts · Server

Hey Leftists,

If you are not masking or taking Covid seriously, then you are no different than fascists. Yeah, that probably is upsetting to hear, but I tried being nice and kind, but y'all STILL FUCKING REFUSE TO MASK.

Goddamnit. Give a shit about people's lives, PLEASE.

Stop acting like covid disappeared the moment Biden gave some shitty speech about ending the pandemic emergency. It didn't. That's not how viruses work.

If you are not making Covid precautions part of your activism, organizing, and future building? Then you are leaving millions to death and disablement and are engaging in eugenics. Just like the fucking fascists.

So yeah, this is why I've lost a hell of a lot of trust in Leftists lately.

Y'all ought to have known better. But you ate up eugenics hogwash from the government and pseudo-science-health-hogwash, and are killing folks with your complacency.

Stop it.

Start giving a shit if you really want to build a better world. That means making pandemic mitigations PERMANENT.

upgrades or CR boxes in all places
by is a good guide. USE IT.

a pissed off disabled person

#MaskUp #airfiltration #seeyousafer

Last updated 1 year ago

field notes · @notesencantos
77 followers · 118 posts · Server

"This virus remains unstable — it has not settled into a predictable pattern, which means surveillance systems need to be sensitive to pick up the early signs of another surge."

#COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notesencantos
76 followers · 115 posts · Server

"Today, Long COVID sufferers must navigate healthcare resources on their own. Many don’t know where to go or whom to call; triaging their symptoms and ensuring they find the right physician specialty is very complex. Further, there are no established treatment standards for Long COVID. This reality means that patients are desperate for the care they need. We must act now to help them."

#COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
333 followers · 1772 posts · Server

"There is, and will be for the foreseeable future, sustained transmission across multiple countries alongside a significant burden of hospitalisations and deaths. Therefore, we may end up in the situation where there is technically an ongoing pandemic despite a declared end to the PHEIC. Such are the difficulties in defining the different stages of a global crisis." - @TheConversationUS

#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
334 followers · 1745 posts · Server
field notes · @notes
334 followers · 1744 posts · Server

"In the U.S. as in the UK minority populations are succumbing in disproportionate numbers. And what of our regard for the elderly and our respect for those people who look after them—often, again, of immigrant and minority backgrounds? Internationally, elder care is manifesting itself as a scandal: neglected seniors, undervalued, stressed, and underpaid caregivers."

#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #seeyousafer #eldercare #seniors

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
334 followers · 1743 posts · Server

"On the individual level, some of us now have an enforced opportunity to consider how much of our self-concept is bound up in what we do out there in the world, with the activities we engage in, with the acceptance other people offer us. ‘If not all that, who am I?’ becomes an almost inescapable question. The answer may not be immediately comfortable."

#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #dharma #dhamma

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
334 followers · 1742 posts · Server

"It may be shock for many us to discover that, even in the richest societies the world has known, economic security and physical well-being are so precarious for so many, that a threat can so rapidly arise to menace ways of living and being we had taken for granted. We may also be asking ourselves just how essential some of our ordinary concerns have been."

#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
329 followers · 1659 posts · Server

". . . don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that the goal should be to get back to 'normal.' We don’t have to go back. And we shouldn’t."

"The coronavirus has exposed the vulnerabilities and inequities built into our health-care infrastructures, social safety nets, and economies—aspects that must be addressed as quickly as possible."


#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #pandemic #keepthephe #seeyousafer #publichealth

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
328 followers · 1658 posts · Server

@PeoplesCDC launched a campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.

Share the campaign on social media using the hashtag and the People’s CDC graphics + alt text at link, or use your own, or include the action network letter campaign form link.

#keepthephe #covid19 #covid #LongCovid #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealth

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notesencantos
77 followers · 103 posts · Server

@PeoplesCDC launches campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.

Share your story on social media about how you will be impacted using the hashtag “.”


#keepthephe #peoplescdc #COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealth #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
323 followers · 1637 posts · Server

@luckytran @PeoplesCDC launched campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.

#peoplescdc #keepthephe #covid19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealth #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
323 followers · 1634 posts · Server

@PeoplesCDC launches campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.

Share your story on social media about how you will be impacted using the hashtag “.”


#keepthephe #peoplescdc #covid19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notes
323 followers · 1633 posts · Server

@PeoplesCDC launches campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.


#peoplescdc #covid19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

field notes · @notesencantos
77 followers · 103 posts · Server

Add your name and/or organization to the petition . . . "Jha and President Biden must tell the truth about the crisis, so that people can better protect themselves and so those of us living with Long COVID and associated diseases can get the help we need. The Administration must fight for resources for our lives, rather than denying our realities." -

#LongCovid #COVID19 #covid #disability #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

TheBird · @TheBird
873 followers · 48 posts · Server

I forgot I put this on my playlist. It's one of the few Eurovision songs where I wept when I heard it. The singer who wrote this had a loved one pass away from Covid:

What gets me about the lyrics is the "Unforgiveable" part. Considering how most of the world has decided that mass death and disablement is acceptable in order for capitalism to reap in more profits at our expense, this lyric holds new meaning.

It's absolutely unforgiveable that so many countries refuse to change how we live so that we can save lives rather than let people die and languish with LongCovid with little to no care.

This is part of a worldwide spread of fascism. To desensitive us to mass death and disablement. These capitalist assholes want us to look away from the death and destruction they have wrought. They want us to blindly follow their orders to work endlessly and consume blindly.

No liberation can be achieved if the movement fails to fight against this normalization of mass death and disablement from covid. The tools to protect our communities from this highly deadly and disabling disease exist - some of it we can make ourselves (such as do it yourself Corsi-Rosenthal air filter boxes). But to do that, we MUST cooperate with one another and reestablish bonds of care.

Capitalism has alienated us, yes. But we don't have to live that way. As much as the elites and super rich in our society is trying to tear apart all and any cooperation to better control us, we must fight that by rebuilding community care.

We protect us, but to truly protect each other we MUST engage in safer ways of meeting. Leftists have largely been failing at incorporating pandemic mitigations into their in-person activities, and that must change if we are to fight this battle and win.

One of my favorite disabled authors wrote this magnificent guide on how we can safely meet and engage in community care:

The @PeoplesCDC created a wonderful guide on how to safely meet in person as well:

So my challenge to ALL Leftists: Use these guides to fight against the normalization of mass death and disablement. Show that you truly are for liberation, because if you fail to do any pandemic mitigations, then that means you've sided with mass death and disablement which is a form of eugenics. Don't do that. I know y'all can do better.

Fight this. Mask up. Test for covid often. Abide by these guides and change our way of being. Yes, it's hard, but the fight for liberation has never been easy. Time is running out. The time to act is now.

I'll finish with a poem I wrote concerning the intersection of oppression we face:

We Are the Fire

By Aidan Zingler

Words pull push, agitate, infuriate
I’m the fury of the world not seen.
I beg, I cajole, I reason, I ask
I’m the pain of the dead not seen.
Time is running out, time is running

Black Lives burn bright and extinguish,
Stars howl their sorrow at their loss
Disabled flames smolder and fade,
Stars ignite their pain at their loss.
Indigenous fires frozen and scattered,
Stars blaze their fury at their loss.
Time is running out, time is running.

Should I be praying? Screaming?
Words sputter and fall silent.
Should I be running? Marching?
Actions lay the bricks, one by one.
Time is running out, time is running.

Can’t you stay with me tonight?
Can’t you march with me tonight?
Can’t you speak with me tonight?
Can’t you listen with me tonight?
I’ve been running and screaming,
the void itself weeps and howls,
the fury of the universe cuts deeps.
Time is running out, time is running.

I can hear them calling me at night.
The voices of the dead, the murdered.
They rise and march, they speak through us.
We stand, we chant, we weep, we march.
The wind blows our message to all ears.
We will not be silent, we will not cease.
Time is running out, time is running.

Words connect and build a bridge,
We’re the fury of the lives not seen
We demand, we tear down, we build
We’re the pain of the dead not seen.
Time is running out, time is running.

Time for us.
Our hearts on fire.
On fire for justice.
On fire for abolition.
On fire for a future free of oppression.
Time is running. We are building.
We are more than dust and sand.
We are the past, we are the future.
Let’s go.

#CovidIsNotOver #covid #liberation #abolition #seeyousafer #MaskUp #leftists #organize #wearethefire #capitalismsucks

Last updated 2 years ago

brodio · @notes
273 followers · 1308 posts · Server

"Unfortunately, this country has not done a good job with collective mourning. Not enough of us have stopped to recognize the 1.5 million COVID-19 deaths, as well as the “excess” deaths resulting from long COVID, from an inadequate and strained for-profit medical system, and from the other stressors from living through a pandemic."


#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

brodio · @notes
266 followers · 1279 posts · Server

"As we enter the third COVID winter, nearly 1 in 3 adults in the US that had COVID-19 also reported experiencing symptoms of long COVID at some point. Many people fear that the same factors that caused racial and ethnic disparities during COVID-19 may be responsible for driving disparities in the treatment of long COVID."

@socialwork @publichealth

#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #infographic #nihcm

Last updated 2 years ago