
A recent acquisition - Widen Your Tent, Micha Berger. - In the introduction of his magnum opus, Shaarei Yosher, Rav Shimon Shkop (1860-1939) outlines his views of mussar and theology – What is the purpose of Judaism? The nature of holiness? What does it mean to be a good person, to be made in the “image” of G-d? How can I be happy with what I have? How can I learn to understand and love other people?

#seforim #jewishbooks #jewdiverse #mussar

Last updated 2 years ago

@johndoepe @baruch

This list of Jewish books is amazing! Would love to hear you share book reviews or a dvar Torah!

#jewishbooks #seforim #jewdiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Baruch Katz · @baruch
363 followers · 1317 posts · Server babka.social

5 Tevet (“Hey Teves”) is a day for celebrating the profound role that sacred books play in Jewish life. What Jewish books did you buy lately? ch

#jewish #jewishbooks #didannetza #heyteves #seforim #mazeldon

Last updated 2 years ago

Is there a festival of Jewish books? Yes, and its today, Hei Tevet (5th of Tevet, 5783.) It was created in celebration of a famous court case, in which a massive library of (religious Jewish books) was found to be property of the Jewish community, and not just one person who was secretly selling them off for profit.

Great book sales today at Sichos in English and Kehot Publications



#seforim #jewishbooks #jewishhistory #sie #kehot

Last updated 2 years ago


Pesach Sommer offers thoughts on balancing an appreciation for academic knowledge with the importance of experiencing faith:

Experiencing through and the academy


#chassidus #seforim

Last updated 2 years ago


If I may ask, what are you reading? I've recently started Shem MiShmuel ( rebbe, in English) and the Tanya

#seforim #sochatchover

Last updated 2 years ago

What books are in your Jewish library? Feel free to post pics in the comments below! :-) 💙🕎✡️♥️🇮🇱

@judaism @mazeldon

#books #seforim #sifreikodesh #jewishbooks #jewishculture

Last updated 2 years ago

@raf @judaism @mazeldon

We are in full agreement my friend. I am non-Orthodox myself. Some of our non-Orthodox congregants were asking where one could learn Jewish spirituality, yet not only from Orthodox sources. (although those are fine too.) I often reply by pointing to rabbis who publish books thru Jewish Lights Publishing

(It is my minhag to learn from teachers in all our denominations)


#seforim #jewishspirituality #devekut #devekus #spirituality #jewishbooks

Last updated 2 years ago

@hadarbatjoyce @mazeldon

If you like ArtScroll siddurim then you might like “The Chumash: The Stone Edition” aka The ArtScroll Chumash. Nosson Scherman


#chumash #pentateuch #torahs #seforim #sifreikodesh

Last updated 2 years ago

N.A. Hintermann · @nahint
9 followers · 18 posts · Server tooting.ch

Also in the mail today: The two volumes of Abraham ben ha-Rambam's commentary on the books of Bereshit (Genesis) and Shemot (Exodus). For those who want to know more: Nachi Weinstein over at seforimchatter.com did two episodes on R. Abraham, # 171 and #22. Both with the wonderful editor, R. Moshe Maimon. I won't get through the extensive footnotes before I'm 120.
, ,

#Tora #hebrew #seforim

Last updated 2 years ago

N.A. Hintermann · @nahint
0 followers · 1 posts · Server tooting.ch

Hi there, student in here, currently between Zürich and Tübingen. Working on Muslim commentaries on . Interested in all things , , , , , , . Love reading and learning from different sources and people, listening to music and -most importantly- being with my family.

#digitalhumanities #foss #jewish #seforim #manuscripts #hebrew #maimonides #philosophy #arabic #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago