#afluenza and the #builtenvironment: find that these #indicators to characterize #patterns of #builtstructures are about equally important for predicting #energydemand and #CO2 #emissions as #GDP and other conventional factors. The area of built-up land per capita is the most important predictor, second only to the effect of GDP.
#climatechange #ResourceUse #segregatedamerica #IPAT #equitywashing
#afluenza #builtenvironment #indicators #patterns #builtstructures #energydemand #co2 #emissions #gdp #climatechange #ResourceUse #segregatedamerica #ipat #equitywashing
Police don’t have to tell drivers the real reason they’re being stopped. That’s about to change
The data has consistently shown that Black residents are far more likely than white residents to be #stopped and #searched and less likely to be found with #contraband.
If the regulation is finalized, the new data detailing how often #police #lie to #people about the #reason they were stopped would be included in the annual report.
#BrokenTaillightPolicing #abolishthepolice #segregatedamerica #GeorgeFloyd
#stopped #searched #contraband #police #lie #people #reason #brokentaillightpolicing #abolishthepolice #segregatedamerica #GeorgeFloyd
McConnell’s Dream of a Segregated U.S. Is Being Realized
#McConnellSegregatedUS #SupremeCourtLGBTQ #McConnellRealizedDream #SegregatedAmerica #AntiLGBTQSupremeCourt #McConnellDreamRealized #Politics #News
#mcconnellsegregatedus #supremecourtlgbtq #mcconnellrealizeddream #segregatedamerica #antilgbtqsupremecourt #mcconnelldreamrealized #politics #news