The difference is the #ownership of the #MeansOfProduction. As long as a tiny minority of the rich owns it, the rest of us will be marching toward #shantytowns.
...unless we #SeizeTheMeansOfProduction
#capitalism #ClassWar #exploitation #luddite #technology #socialism #communism
#ownership #meansofproduction #shantytowns #seizethemeansofproduction #capitalism #classwar #exploitation #luddite #technology #socialism #communism
It's sad, but I think just about every American can imagine this very easily. #Capitalism is soulless and heartless. You're a cog, and you must keep turning.
#capitalism #socialism #seizethemeansofproduction
@john so the world's richest toddler basically gifted the Internet with a renewed verve for socialism and communism.
Ain't that some shit.
In other news, I listened to Love To Sew on the trip and now I want to sew All The Things. #sewing #seizeTheMeansOfProduction
#sewing #seizethemeansofproduction