First world cat foster problems. The vet has added keppra to Junior’s seizure meds. It needs to be dosed every 8 hours. Her other meds are every 12 hours. Then there’s trying to get her meds set around my work schedule. Plus travel involving a time change. Ugh. Too many numbers #BrainFog #LongCOVID #FosterCats #SeizureCat #HouseOfPotats
#brainfog #LongCovid #fostercats #seizurecat #houseofpotats
When you manage to shut the door to the foster bathroom 3/4 of the way and can’t get out so you just sit there until mom comes home. #disabledcats #catstodon #seizurecat
#disabledcats #catstodon #seizurecat
When you wake your mom up at 3:30am because you had a focal seizure and woooooo, Momma!! Tile haz a flavor! Yes Junior, it does. Now please take your gabbypenpen and go back to sleep so you don’t fall off of anything else. Oy. #seizurecat