WACOCA · @wacoca
16 followers · 31759 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Tomas Maracek · @MaracekT
25 followers · 19 posts · Server wargamers.social

And setup is tedous because starting blocks are missing some distinctive symbols, so you have to look at the plan on the player aid during the setup and organize the blocks before the start.🙄

It seems to me, that rules have a lot of exceptions and special rules. Because of that, you have more options what to do, but I am not sure, that added complexity is worth it.

In the end I will try to play it again. But it will probably not replace for me.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tomas Maracek · @MaracekT
25 followers · 18 posts · Server wargamers.social

Finished from . I had pretty big expectations, since I am a huge fan of . In the end my feelings are mixed. I am not sure if additional complexity adds more fun. Although it is a really beautiful game, I have some reservations about components. Stacking is harder due to the shape of the blocks. Altough cards have beatiful ilustrations, they could be more legible and made of better cardstock.

#granada #compassgames #sekigahara

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomas Maracek · @MaracekT
23 followers · 16 posts · Server wargamers.social

Let me introduce you to my favourite game from .
First point - it is absotely georgeous. I just love the map and the wooden blocks with the mons of varous damiyos.
Second point - easy rules. Game is really straightforward and easy to learn. My only nitpick is, that some information could be included on the player aids, but that is really minor complaint.
Third point - fog of war - you can see how strong the opponent is, but you can only guess his real strength.

#sekigahara #gmt

Last updated 2 years ago

Zoom Histoire · @ZoomHistoire
1868 followers · 5327 posts · Server oc.todon.fr

21 octobre 1600 : bataille de au . Le pays sort d'une longue période de guerres civiles dite Sengoku (戦国) et entre dans l'époque de (江戸) sous le gouvernement centralisé des shoguns

#sekigahara #japon #edo #tokugawa #cejourla #histoire

Last updated 6 years ago