USA military and laws for a draft...
> A federal district court has ruled that male-only draft registration is unconstitutional. Contrary to popular myth a draft does not decrease the chances or duration or extent of wars.
#WorldBeyondWar #USAdraft #SelectiveService #USAmilitary
#usamilitary #selectiveservice #usadraft #WorldBeyondWar
Oh, one important final note: The phone number for the
GI Rights Hotline
(They work with US servicemembers - which requires a lot of knowledge and skill between all the branches and issues. Other countries' servicemembers is simply beyond their scope.)
(and other nondirective information for servicemembers who need assistance with options for difficult situations)
#girightshotline #conscientiousobjection #beforeyoujoin #selectiveservice #peace #don
Roxana Tiron reports negotiators of annual defense authorization bill have scrapped provision that would have expanded the Selective Service registration: - This bad idea has been punted again to next year, but won't go away until Congress ends draft registration entirely: - Urge your Rep. and Senators to sponsor and reintroduce the Selective Service Repeal Act in 2023: #draft #selectiveservice #conscription #peace #freedom
#freedom #peace #conscription #selectiveservice #draft