Six DoF Future · @sixdoffuture
3 followers · 11 posts · Server

@dauntingpear7 I understand what you’re saying about cars as death machines. Automakers have obstacles to overcome in gaining consumer confidence in since programming for every situation is difficult. For trains, the line-of-sight technology required to stop 200 tons over a mile does not exist. However, consider that reliable autopilots on commercial planes have existed for decades. The tech for reliable self-driving cars is there; not yet the implementation.


Last updated 2 years ago · @patrikaidotcom
106 followers · 62737 posts · Server

டெல்லி போக்குவரத்து நெரிசலில் சிக்கிய ராகுல் காந்தியின் கார்…. via

#selfDrivingCars #traffic #delhi #rahulgandhi

Last updated 3 years ago

In some ways , being is creepier than even , we know what Google is doing they are using humans to train .

Has anyone identified what Cloudflare are doing with their data? Don't believe for a second that they don't harvest data, that's part of their job.

#hCaptcha #cloudflare #google #selfDrivingCars #deeplearning #neuralnetworking #ai #bitcoinExchanges #monopoly #InternetTakeover

Last updated 4 years ago

If you are against , DM us for instructions on how to break 's , which aparently feeds the system for .

#selfDrivingCars #selfDrivingVehicles #google #recaptcha #ai

Last updated 4 years ago


Cloucflare and are likely the biggest threat on the today, and to our . Cloucflare appear to be doing the dirty deeds that Google don't want to be associated with, but they and Cloucflare work together in many respects.

Google have joined with Cloucflare to deliver , designed by Google to train under the guise of identifying bots.


#google #internet #civilliberties #recaptcha #selfDrivingCars

Last updated 5 years ago


Yes, CF and Google reCapcha are bad for freedom and privacy.

We also find it important to disable , pre-compiled code sent to your browser. Search "wasm" in Firefox about:config

once digitised books but now they use humans to train . Part of a system that will ultimately remotely weaponise .

Use free software and watermark them w your domain name or brand to stop reuse by large bad actors.

@david @cypnk

#webassembly #recaptcha #selfDrivingCars #travel #captchas

Last updated 5 years ago

Its they've moved onto new methods of , of and disguised as .

They still have the power to deny people to and other web services with onerous , plans to dominate w , can access people's , documents, , , , and etc

Too much between those four entities.

are big but just a platform.

#virtueSignalling #suggestion #autoCompletion #searchTerms #propaganda #news #banking #recaptcha #selfDrivingCars #email #cloudstorage #translations #homeDevices #mapServices #monopoly #power #facebook #socialmedia

Last updated 5 years ago