· @tallship
17 followers · 56 posts · Server social.sdf.org
tallship · @tallship
51 followers · 427 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org


No, not at all, actually. But remember, I cut my eyeteeth on 4.2 back in the eighties and started using back with, I think, the 0.96.x kernel back in 92 IIRC, so I'm big on .

The two ways that "I" would do it would be either install naively on a VPS, or consider Portainer w/Nginx Proxy Manager.

If you're doing it at home, then is awesome if you put it in the cloud:


I hope that helps!


#bsd #linux #self_hosting #garage #tallship #foss #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

tallship · @tallship
51 followers · 393 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

New release: 0.8.1


Garage is the self-hosted distributed object storage service that is the choice of many major server platforms.


I hope that helps!


#garage #fediverse #tallship #desoc #s3 #wasabi #storage #self_hosting

Last updated 2 years ago