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Self-organizing systems are characterized by their intrinsic, nonlinear operators, (i.e., the properties of their constituent elements, macromolecules, spores of the slime mold, bees, etc.), which generate macroscopically (meta-) stable patterns maintained by the perpetual flux of their constituents. A special case of is . It is that organization which is its own Eigen-state: the outcome of the productive interactions of the components of the system are those very components. It is the organization of the , and, at the same time, the organization of .

#autopoiesis #self_organization #living #autonomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Luis Ferreira · @lmf
14 followers · 34 posts · Server

Emergence of synaptic organization and computation in dendrites

Single neurons in the brain exhibit astounding computational capabilities, which gradually emerge throughout development and enable them to become integrated into complex neural circuits. These capabilities derive in part from the precise arrangement of synaptic inputs on the neurons’ dendrites.

#neuroscience #brain #cortex #synaptic_plasticity #self_organization #dendrites #neurons

Last updated 2 years ago

Luis Ferreira · @lmf
6 followers · 9 posts · Server

Assessing the robustness of critical behavior in stochastic cellular automata
There is evidence that biological systems, such as the brain, work at a critical regime robust to noise, and are therefore able to remain in it under perturbations. In this work, we address the question of robustness of critical systems to noise.

#cellular_automata #criticality #self_organization #stochastic_models #complexity

Last updated 2 years ago

Luis Ferreira · @lmf
6 followers · 9 posts · Server

Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Animals -- Self-organization and biological function
Collective behaviors exhibited by animal groups, such as fish schools, bird flocks, or insect swarms are fascinating examples of self-organization in biology.

#biology #collective_behavior #complexity #ethology #self_organization

Last updated 2 years ago