#TFW your 9 year-old #AutisticAF son #SelfAdvocates at school, and echoes exactly the concerns you’ve been raising for a month and we’e ignored by staff. Bonus when their therapist hears it and has him repeat it to you.
So then you can just ask them to talk to each other because even your 9 year-old gets it and independently recommended undoing that change they weren’t really ready for.
Get his 1:1 HIRED! And stop #ABA’ing at him!
@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAustistic #ParentingWhileAutistic
#tfw #autisticaf #selfadvocates #aba #actuallyaustistic #parentingwhileautistic
Thank you to Advocates and Self-Advocates for standing shoulder to shoulder with others; championing theirs and other rights.
#BetterIsPossible #Advocacy #AdvocacyScotland #Advocates #SelfAdvocates #AdvocacyOrgs #RightsOfTheChild #HumanRights #DisabilityRights #ChristmasAdvent #xmas2022 ☃️🤝⚖️✊❤️
#BetterIsPossible #advocacy #advocacyscotland #advocates #selfadvocates #advocacyorgs #rightsofthechild #humanrights #disabilityrights #christmasadvent #xmas2022