So close.
A man who was photographed marching in the violent "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 killed himself last week.
Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, 35, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on January 30, according to a report from the Texas County Coroner's Office in Missouri. That is the same day Von Nukem was scheduled to be in court in Arizona, facing four counts relating to illegal import and sale of fentanyl.
Von Nukem was seen in two famous photos of the alt-right rally, wearing a black shirt in a large group of men chanting and holding tiki torches. He confirmed his identity to the Springfield News-Leader newspaper a week after the rally after being identified online by a former classmate. He told the newspaper he did not consider himself a White supremacist or neo-Nazi, but would not "counter-signal against them."
#poetic #WhiteSupremcy #selfawarewolves
@tcely exactly Chris - reality is that solar can be built and nuclear can’t for those reasons. #selfawarewolves
W dzisiejszym odcinku polityczne #selfawarewolves
W XIX wieku, papież Leon XIII podjął się radykalnej krytyce ruchu robotniczego oraz socjalizmu, a także komunizmu. Jak napisał w swojej encyklopedii "O kwestii robotniczej", "socjaliści to kłamcy, ponieważ głoszą nie oparte w rzeczywistości hasła, łudząc głupców do ich sprawy - bowiem nigdy nie istniało społeczeństwo egalitarne i na próżno doszukiwać się tego w przykładach z historii ludzkości".
Mocne słowa jak na człowieka, którego cała władza, status i majątek wynikają z przesądu i okłamywania ludzi bez podawania dowodów na mocy kuloodpornego dogmatu.
Now you're getting it. #SelfAwareWolves #Crapitalism #ClimateChange
#selfawarewolves #crapitalism #climatechange
@WalterShaub this is such a #SelfAwareWolves moment because when people post Elon Musk tweets, including this one, I genuinely don’t know if it’s him or a parody.
This person *almost* gets it! They're so close! #selfawarewolves
The entire point to me putting in a bunch of effort into building a fediverse search engine, is to put a stop, once and for all, to the premise that "If we harass and threaten everybody who publicly makes a search engine, that means my posts are private"
This is **horrible for user security**, it's tantamount to *lying* to vulnerable people, and setting them up for failure.
RATM soñando después de un par de sureños estadounidenses corren en una competición de monster truck.
Ironía o #selfawarewolves