Lupposofi · @lupposofi
208 followers · 3570 posts · Server

Eilen illalla tuli englanniksi puhetta mielitäytisyyden (mindfulness) ongelmallisuudesta:


Eettisesti tai moraali-psykologisesti,

ja Yhteiskunnallis-poliittisesti,

Viimeinen Ronald Purserin artikkeli suorastaan hätkäytti, mutta muutenkaan ei ole pelkkä yksityisasia, millä mieltänsä tyynnyttää.

#mieli #psychology #selfdeception #itsepetos #kapitalismi #neoliberal #mindfulness

Last updated 1 year ago

Lupposofi · @lupposofi
208 followers · 3570 posts · Server

@bibliolater @philosophy The excellent Guardian article by Ronald Purser ends:

"The cruelty lies in supporting the status quo while using the language of transformation. This is how neoliberal mindfulness promotes an individualistic vision of human flourishing, enticing us to accept things as they are, mindfully enduring the ravages of capitalism."

But do read the whole article!

#psychology #philosophy #selfdeception #diversion #neoliberal #capitalism #mindfulness

Last updated 1 year ago

SkyfaR · @SkyfaR
159 followers · 747 posts · Server

Man sagt ja alle paar Jahre verändert sich der Geschmackssinn, gilt das auch für das Gehör? 😅

Also ja ich liebe immer noch , und seine Unterarten, aber in letzter Zeit finde ich immer mehr gefallen an Bands wie und

Das macht mir ein wenig Sorgen. 😂

#edm #Techno #thousandfootkrutch #selfdeception #fallinginreverse

Last updated 1 year ago

Lupposofi · @lupposofi
90 followers · 1726 posts · Server

Osuin eilen lukemaan Neil Mansonin 2020 artikkelin poliittisesta itsepetoksesta ja episteemisistä paheista, Siinä kommentoitiin Anna Galeottin 2018 kirjaa teemasta.

Muun annin ohella tuolla nousi esiin Donald Rumsfeld esimerkkinä sekä itsepetoksesta että paheellisuudesta tiellä 20 vuoden takaisiin tapahtumiin Irakissa, Kuulosti aivan Putinilta, eikö vain?

#iraq #epistemology #politiikka #vice #paheet #selfdeception #itsepetos

Last updated 1 year ago

Lupposofi · @lupposofi
90 followers · 1712 posts · Server

Hiukan sain täydennettyä elämän tarkoituksen (miettimisen) pohdintaa kotisivujeni asiaan?-sivun puolivälin paikkeille,, kun kävin läpi muistiinpanojani Metzin SEP-entrystä. Sinne tuli sopivasti uusintana myös itsepetosta,, jonka etiikasta löytyy kelpo IEP-entry,

#selfdeception #itsepetos #tarkoitus #elama #meaning #life

Last updated 1 year ago

G K Chesterton Quotes · @GKCDaily
7 followers · 35 posts · Server

A man cannot think himself out of mental evil; for it is actually the organ of thought that has become diseased, ungovernable, and, as it were, independent. He can only be saved by will or faith.

Source: Orthodoxy (1909)

#history #mentalhealth #selfdeception #thinking #feeling #sanity #reason #heart #life #will #faith #thoughts #quotes

Last updated 2 years ago

petersuber · @petersuber
3198 followers · 397 posts · Server

For a to demand more citations to its own articles is .

For a journal to manipulate its citation count and then brag about its citation count as a measure of quality is , , or both.

#selfdeception #deception #misconduct #journal

Last updated 2 years ago

Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
331 followers · 2875 posts · Server


That last quotation reminded of the anecdote that begins the book *Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception," by Daniel Goleman.

It's a fascinating book, and describes the purpose of self-deception as self-protection — a tradeoff between awareness and pain.

I have a list of books I find myself repeatedly recommending, and this book is on that list.

#Books #psychology #selfdeception #psychicpain #awareness

Last updated 2 years ago

G K Chesterton Quotes · @GKCDaily
6 followers · 27 posts · Server

Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.

Source: Orthodoxy (1909)

#history #mentalhealth #selfdeception #wordchoicematters #sanity #reason #life #thoughts #quotes

Last updated 2 years ago

Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
297 followers · 2453 posts · Server

@abedholme @ebk

I was responding more to the covid silence, but regarding climate change there is a kind of denial in that fossil fuels still get subsidies — but I know that because the media reports it.

But the covid silence resonated with the book I mentioned, because I think the psychological mechanism is similar.

But you're right: climate change does appear in the news, though (obviously) to little effect on emissions so far.

#journalism #blindspot #COVID #climatechange #selfdeception

Last updated 2 years ago

Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
297 followers · 2450 posts · Server

2/ The problem is that journalists have a professional responsibility to maintain awareness and report what they see — to a public that perhaps in some cases wants not to see what is being reported. But reporting requires noticing, and for journalists, noticing requires reporting.

It's in a way like soldiers. The normal impulse when facing deadly force is to flee, but soldiers have a professional responsibility to fight.


#psychology #selfdeception #blindspot #journalism #responsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
295 followers · 2443 posts · Server

2/ The problem is that journalists have a professional responsibility to maintain awareness and report what they see — to a public that perhaps in some cases wants not to see what is being reported. But reporting requires noticing, and for journalists, noticing requires reporting.

It's in a way like soldiers. The normal impulse when facing deadly force is to flee, but soldiers have a professional responsibility to fight.


#psychology #selfdeception #blindspot #journalism #responsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Leisureguy · @Leisureguy
295 followers · 2442 posts · Server

1/ What causes blind spots. has an interesting post —

As I read the article to which the post links, I was strongly reminded of Daniel Goleman's book "Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception."

Self-deception here refers to a wilful unawareness of things that, if admitted to awareness, would cause pain.

It's a book very much worth reading.

#psychology #selfdeception #blindspot #journalism #responsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2070 followers · 14630 posts · Server And ... (sorry for the numerous responses, this ... is something that concerns me tremendously) ... there's the issue that people collectively exhibiting stupidity are both misinformed and actively seek out and reward that disinformation.

Paul Hosking caputured that well in this comment:

I find it hard to say how I feel about people dying from something they chose for themselves. If you’re so stubbornly not vaccinating or doing anything else to protect yourself in the middle of a pandemic, you are actively choosing the disease, right?...

But of course there people weren’t fully informed; they were misinformed. They chose to believe people who lie to them. They trust people who betray them and are willing to sacrifice your lives to score some political points. They are the victims of a massive misinformation campaign that didn’t just start with the pandemic, but started way back in the 1980s. All of America is the victim of that, and much of the rest of the world too, but these people in particular. They are the dupes mobilised and sacrificed as part of the murderous political game that the Republicans and conservative media have been playing for decades now.

#COVID19 #evil #stupidity #misinformation #deception #selfdeception #dupes #disinformation #morality #victims

Last updated 3 years ago

🇪🇷Götterdämmerung · @Gotterdammerung
296 followers · 4959 posts · Server

SINCERITY: the pendulum between self-deception and hypocrisy.

#heterodoxdictionary #sincerity #selfdeception #hypocrisy

Last updated 6 years ago

🇪🇷Götterdämmerung · @Gotterdammerung
296 followers · 4959 posts · Server

SELF-DECEPTION: the pendulum between good faith and cynicism.

#heterodoxdictionary #selfdeception #goodfaith #cynicism

Last updated 6 years ago