Love this collaboration between Naomi Fischer, clinical psychologist and writer on #selfdirectededucation with Missing the Mark Eliza Fricker's illustrations (who illustrates about being #autistic in the education system:
#selfdirectededucation #autistic
@matbury @gerard_mazza #selfdirectededucation has plenty of people learning from those with more expertise. It's not all discovery learning.
I am going to say Hi again in hopes people find me. I really would like to rebuild my online #unschooling community. I have 4 #unschool #homeeducated kids of my own and facilitate #SelfDirectedEducation for another 26 who attend the #AgileLearningCenter I co-founded with friends. Children are people.
I love hearing from other people navigating this culturally weird and awesome way of being in relationship with children and one another.
#agilelearningcenter #selfdirectededucation #homeeducated #unschool #unschooling
I am going to say Hi again in hopes people find me. I really would like to rebuild my online #unschooling community. I have 4 #unschool #homeeducated kids of my own and facilitate #SelfDirectedEducation for another 26 who attend the #AgileLearningCenter I co-founded with friends. Children are people.
I love hearing from other people navigating this culturally weird and awesome way of being in relationship with children and one another.
#agilelearningcenter #selfdirectededucation #homeeducated #unschool #unschooling
My 15 year old wrote an Ode to her bestie cousin, and I am still laughing. Just a magnificent stream of inside jokes she turned into a clever poem. I wish she would allow me to share it! #unschooling #SelfDirectedEducation
#selfdirectededucation #unschooling
My 15 year old wrote an Ode to her bestie cousin, and I am still laughing. Just a magnificent stream of inside jokes she turned into a clever poem. I wish she would allow me to share it! #unschooling #SelfDirectedEducation
#selfdirectededucation #unschooling
@matbury @gerard_mazza as Mazza already said and for me too, it's about consent. So #unschooling #democratic #selfdirectededucation is not about lack of guidance or instruction. Young people can and do choose to seek out that guidance and instruction.
#unschooling #democratic #selfdirectededucation
@matbury but this study doesn't take into account where the motivation is located for the students. Are those students learning Spanish just for the research or did they choose to and did they get to choose the method as they would in #selfdirectededucation ? I wish there were more studies where students get real decision making power/responsibility for their learning. Not just 'choices' amongst some predetermined few. Also wonder how much metalearning they get from doing that over the longterm.
Today we #unschool in community at the ALC I cofacilitate, Bungalow Lane ALC. I will be tinkering in the garden and hopefully replacing some defunct lights in the teen space. Some kid usually gets curious & joins me as an assistant. My cofacilitator is queen of crafts, so I’m sure she has some messy holiday crafting up her sleeve. And there’s usually a group that wants to walk to the corner store for junk food. Another ordinary day of #SelfDirectedEducation .
#selfdirectededucation #unschool
Today’s #unschool adventures mostly involve driving the 2 teens for me. 15yo needs rides to high school (a thing unschoolers sometimes choose to do!) & gymnastics. The other needs rides to & from class at community college. Somewhere in there I need groceries. The younger two will mostly take it easy doing their own things at home. Lots of device play with friends I’m sure. Just another extraordinary ordinary day of #SelfDirectedEducation
#selfdirectededucation #unschool
This week’s #unschool adventures at the central California coast were dominated by tide pool treasure hunts. #SelfDirectedEducation moves back home this afternoon.
#selfdirectededucation #unschool
@HIH_Homeschool @orbifx @Liveotherwise I'd like somewhere to connect with other #HomeEducation people, bit of activism for HE e.g.#notoschoolsbill, support, ideas, local community sharing maybe eventually, place for starting community projects, talking consent in education and reimagining education, raising awareness of HE (myth busting) with non HEers, alternative options to school, #selfdirectededucation, networking and getting excited about in person events to share stories and inspiration.
#homeeducation #notoschoolsbill #selfdirectededucation
In today’s thanksgiving #unschool adventures, my 15 year old is playing with my friends’ 3 year old. They are rolling out extra pie dough and cutting it with cookie cutters. And giggling hysterically. #AgeMixing is the secret sauce of #SelfDirectedEducation.
#selfdirectededucation #agemixing #unschool
My 10 year old is reading book after book to my friends’ 3 year old. 3 year old just said “You’re my best favorite girl!” #selfdirectedlearning #SelfDirectedEducation #unschooling
#unschooling #selfdirectededucation #selfdirectedlearning
Giving mastodon a go again because I love me some decentralized networks ;)
Intro: I'm an nb mom of two #unschooled kids living in rural Ontario, Canada. Interested in #localfood #antioppression #relocalization #decolonization #rewilding #gifteconomy #anarchism and #selfdirectededucation
I write a blog and love making zines. You can find more at 💞
#unschooled #localfood #antioppression #relocalization #decolonization #rewilding #gifteconomy #anarchism #selfdirectededucation
@gerard_mazza Hi! Have you found much #selfdirectededucation in WA? I lived there 6 years (around Three Springs) and it still comes up on my radar sometimes. Co-founded Gamechangers here in #eastlondon and was part of the Free We Grow community in #southlondon, both #selfdirectededucation and #consentbasededucation (#democraticeducation) projects for #homeducation (for now) but keen to promote this as an option everywhere.
#selfdirectededucation #eastlondon #southlondon #consentbasededucation #democraticeducation #homeducation
#introduction : Hello! I'm a #HomeEd Mum of three into #selfdirectededucation #unschooling #democraticeducation (i.e. #consentbasededucation) and a long time #biology nut. Wanting to link with others to explore other options for the school system, #reimaginingeducation #childrensrights #neurodiversity and generally loving being in the woods #forestschool #bushcraft #natureplay #nature ❤️
#introduction #HomeEd #selfdirectededucation #unschooling #democraticeducation #consentbasededucation #biology #reimaginingeducation #childrensrights #neurodiversity #forestschool #bushcraft #natureplay #nature