Was macht eigentlich... eine #BAMResearch #Projektgruppe? Sie bietet exzellenten Wissenschaftler*innen innovative Forschung & attraktive Karriereentwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Die Gruppe von Bastian Ruehle forscht zB zu #SelfDrivingLabs für #AdvancedMaterials": https://www.bam.de/Content/DE/Standardartikel/Ueber-die-BAM/Jobs-und-Karriere/Wissenschaftlicher-Nachwuchs/projektgruppe-ruehle-self-driving-lab-advanced-materials.html
#bamresearch #projektgruppe #selfdrivinglabs #advancedmaterials
It was really fun writing this paper with
Nathan Hillson, James Carothers, Hector Garcia Martin, and others
What is the minimum amount of automation necessary to achieve #selfdrivinglabs? #AI #Syntheticbiology #ML
#ml #syntheticbiology #ai #selfdrivinglabs
Time for an #introduction. I am a computational systems biologist who was mainly working on #MetabolicNetworks during my time in #academia. Nowadays I work at DSM, a #bioscience company, trying to combine #robotics and #AI into autonomous experimentation platforms aka #SelfdrivingLabs. Currently I am focused on #FoodApplications, in particular #yoghurt. Some more details can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/willigottstein_delvoone-all-in-one-culture-solutions-for-activity-7002951926501761024-TDXs?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android
Feel free to connect if you are also into #SelfdrivingLabs!
#yoghurt #foodapplications #selfdrivinglabs #AI #robotics #bioscience #academia #metabolicnetworks #Introduction
Stop what you are doing and follow @acceleration_c to learn about #ai and #automation for #materials and #molecules #selfdrivinglabs @uoft
#ai #automation #materials #molecules #selfdrivinglabs