Do you guys keep an eye on what is happening in my home country since (ultra)right wing won local and regional elections? Then you see their true nature #censorship #SelfEnrichment #LhgbtiFlagBan
#censorship #selfenrichment #lhgbtiflagban
IMO, if passed, this bill will decrease sales of #EVs. The #TaxCredit is a buyer #incentive. This limits buyers to specific makes/models. I’m for #AmericanMade, but as a #CoalBaron w/financial ties to #oil & #gas, #JoeManchin’s bill isn’t about American made/sourced components, but #SelfEnrichment.
#Corruption #Greed #ConflictOfInterest #FossilFuels #ClimateCrisis
#evs #taxcredit #incentive #americanmade #coalbaron #oil #gas #joemanchin #selfenrichment #corruption #greed #conflictofinterest #fossilfuels #climatecrisis
The US has more citizens locked up than ANY other country in the world.
It's a shameful horrific embarrassment of what America is supposed to be. Where's the "greatness" in all this hypocrisy?
Land of the Free?
Humanitarian Wars?
Socio-economic-enviro Justice?
Bill of Rights?
Nah, nothing to see here...
#CorporateSocialism #CorporateRule
#OwnedTogether 🐷🐷🐷
#ownedtogether #selfenrichment #corporatewelfare #micbudget #excessiveforce #prisonforprofit #corporaterule #corporatesocialism