I made a lot of progress with my depression these past weeks and am finally motivated to read and write again.
I've started writing an #AutoBiography a long time ago, to cope with what I've been through, but also to release it one day.
I'd love to let other people contribute chapters to my book. Essays on various topics that come up in my story.
So now I'm asking you all, if there is anyone who could think of writing such an essay for me, because you are affected by the topic yourself, or are an expert in the field.
Or if you know someone, who would be perfect for that topic.
Here are a few of the topics:
#Fediverse ( @ueckueck, you said you might write that one, still interested?)
There are other topics as well, but I already have people in mind who I'll directly ask to write essays about them; especially topics around #ClimateJustice.
The essays should be at least 2-5 pages long and provide a general gist about the topic, but ideally also contain something personal, like what the topic means to you.
Written in #English or #German.
Preliminary deadline is summer '24, but a lot can change until then and if you need longer, don't worry.
Please :boost: #boost. Thanks. ❤️
#author #book #writing #essay #FollowerPower
#autobiography #depression #genderidentity #asexuality #SurveillanceCapitalism #Fediverse #SocialPhobia #wtfromance #selfharm #suicidality #ClimateJustice #English #german #boost #author #book #writing #Essay #FollowerPower
Interested in latest Cochrane evidence on effective #psychological interventions for #selfharm which informed latest NICE CPGs, see: https://bit.ly/44pkgze (for evidence for #adults) & https://bit.ly/3Ea5UIe (for evidence for #youngpeople)
#youngpeople #adults #selfharm #psychological
From 21 Aug: Acknowledging suicide as cause of death no longer taboo in obituaries - The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/08/20/suicide-obituary-grief-transparency/ #suicide #selfharm
#DNAWithSourabh #NitinDesai
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
🎞️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEoAegxloCQ
"Nitin Desai had his own place in the cinema world, and he made this place on the strength of his ability. That's why when this news came out, not only the cinema world but everyone who heard the news was surprised. Now the question is why Nitin Desai took such a step. Having fought so many challenges, to what challenge has he now lost?"
#DNA #India #news #NitinChandrakantDesai #selfHarm #suicide #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #suicide #selfharm #nitinchandrakantdesai #news #india #dna #nitindesai #dnawithsourabh
TheOnion: Woman Flattered Doctor Thinks She Has Eating Disorder https://www.theonion.com/woman-flattered-doctor-thinks-she-has-eating-disorder-1850729855 #behavioralneuroscience #healthmedicalpharma #eatingdisorders #anorexianervosa #bulimianervosa #socialissues #underweight #jamiefisher #selfharm
#behavioralneuroscience #healthmedicalpharma #eatingdisorders #anorexianervosa #bulimianervosa #socialissues #underweight #jamiefisher #selfharm
How do friendships influence adolescent self-injurious thoughts and behaviours? https://www.nationalelfservice.net/?p=174521
Rasanat Fatima Nawaz & Bella Brereton summarise a systematic review that explored the associations between self-injurious thoughts and behaviours and school-based friendship networks in adolescents, using sociometric data.
#SelfHarm #Suicide #SelfInjuriousThoughtsAndBehaviours #School #YouthMentalHealth #Adolescents #Friendship
#selfharm #suicide #selfinjuriousthoughtsandbehaviours #school #youthmentalhealth #adolescents #friendship
#DNAWithSourabh Full Audio 🎧
Monday, August 7, 2023
• #NewsClick: Portal linked to #China propaganda effort; #BJP accuses #Congress of anti-India agenda (https://www.dnaindia.com/analysis/report-dna-tv-show-how-news-portal-other-organisation-spread-chinese-propaganda-sourabh-raaj-jain-3054962)
• #TomatoPriceHike: Why tomato prices skyrocket when they leave the market (https://zeenews.india.com/economy/tomatoes-price-crisis-cost-of-preparing-a-vegetarian-thali-at-home-goes-higher-than-non-vegetarian-thali-2646155.html)
• #NitinDesai: #FIR names #Edelweiss chairman, officers for alleged abetment (https://www.dnaindia.com/bollywood/report-nitin-desai-death-case-fir-registered-against-edelweiss-group-chairman-others-for-alleged-abetment-of-suicide-3054655)
#DNA #India #Maharashtra #NCLT #NewDelhi #news #podcast #selfHarm #suicide #tomatoes #tomatoPrice #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #TomatoPrice #tomatoes #suicide #selfharm #podcast #news #newdelhi #NCLT #maharashtra #india #dna #edelweiss #fir #nitindesai #tomatopricehike #congress #bjp #China #NewsClick #dnawithsourabh
#DNAWithSourabh #FullShow
Monday, August 7, 2023
🎞️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvoCV7omQi4
• #NewsClick: Portal linked to #China propaganda effort; #BJP accuses #Congress of anti-India agenda (https://www.dnaindia.com/analysis/report-dna-tv-show-how-news-portal-other-organisation-spread-chinese-propaganda-sourabh-raaj-jain-3054962)
• #TomatoPriceHike: Why tomato prices skyrocket when they leave the market (https://zeenews.india.com/economy/tomatoes-price-crisis-cost-of-preparing-a-vegetarian-thali-at-home-goes-higher-than-non-vegetarian-thali-2646155.html)
• #NitinDesai: #FIR names #Edelweiss chairman, officers for alleged abetment (https://www.dnaindia.com/bollywood/report-nitin-desai-death-case-fir-registered-against-edelweiss-group-chairman-others-for-alleged-abetment-of-suicide-3054655)
#DNA #India #Maharashtra #NCLT #NewDelhi #news #selfHarm #suicide #tomatoes #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #tomatoes #suicide #selfharm #news #newdelhi #NCLT #maharashtra #india #dna #edelweiss #fir #nitindesai #tomatopricehike #congress #bjp #China #NewsClick #fullshow #dnawithsourabh
#ComingUp on #DNAWithSourabh
Monday, August 7, 2023
• #NewsClick: Portal linked to #China propaganda effort; #BJP accuses #Congress of anti-India agenda
• #TomatoPriceHike: Why tomato prices skyrocket when they leave the market: decoding the maths
• #NitinDesai: Police register #FIR naming #Edelweiss chairman, officers for alleged abetment of #suicide
#DNA #India #Maharashtra #NCLT #NewDelhi #news #selfHarm #tomatoes #tomatoPrice #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #TomatoPrice #tomatoes #selfharm #news #newdelhi #NCLT #maharashtra #india #dna #suicide #edelweiss #fir #nitindesai #tomatopricehike #congress #bjp #China #NewsClick #dnawithsourabh #ComingUp
How to Survive – Bella Caledonia
#ClimateChaos #climateCatastrophy
#SelfHarm #Extinction
#extinction #selfharm #existentialthreat #climatecatastrophy #climatechaos
Butterfly fly
Guilt spreads inside me
Blame fills my gut
So I scream to (apparently) nobody
Hoping somebody, anybody, hears my plea
Red blossoms on my wrist
Butterflies landing on my wrist
Butterflies tapping softly
Oh, so softly
Butterflies tickling slowly
The pain inside eases
- MH Speaks
Full video: https://youtu.be/og0Nmj_Hwak
#MentalHealth #SpokenWord #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #Depression #SelfHarm
#selfharm #depression #poetrycommunity #poetry #spokenword #mentalhealth
Suicide and self-harm in children: prevalence rates cause for concern https://www.nationalelfservice.net/?p=173000
Mahmoud Arif and Rasanat Fatima Nawaz summarise a meta-analysis published in The Lancet Psychiatry, which suggests that about 1 in 13 children younger than 12 years are thinking about the possibility of ending their own life.
@notesfrompoland Economic historian Duncan Weldon noted recently (in New Statesman) that, as the way things have been going for a while now, Poland will surpass the UK in said index around the year 2030.
Further indications that the UK, as an economy, is really lagging behind its booming European neighbours. #austerity #selfharm
haunting psychosis
#selfharm #blood #31Minutos #JuaninJuanHarry #JuanCarlosBodoque
#selfharm #blood #31minutos #juaninjuanharry #juancarlosbodoque #palacegallery
third wheel delusions
#selfharm #blood #31Minutos #JuaninJuanHarry #TulioTrivinoTufillo #JuanCarlosBodoque #animation
#selfharm #blood #31minutos #juaninjuanharry #tuliotrivinotufillo #juancarlosbodoque #animation #palacetheatre