Andy Hubbert · @andyhubbert
3 followers · 11 posts · Server

Anyone any ideas why my spins up perfectly and works well initially and then container crashes and won’t restart? but equally no error in the logs!! Happened twice now! Very frustrating!!

#mastodon #docker #postgresql #selfhostingmastodon #owninstance #help

Last updated 2 years ago

zbecker · @zbecker
92 followers · 274 posts · Server

@Fog @Gargron

I would also add in the resource usage when your . I suppose I could move over to or , but in the case of I can't transfer my account, and there aren't really any good calckey apps.

In all fairness it is my own fault for using a desktop that I built years ago gathering dust that has a 2 core and 8g of while hosting a number of other servers at the same time...

#selfhostingmastodon #akkoma #calckey #intel #pentium #ram

Last updated 2 years ago

The SDN / VXLAN Proxmox saga continues...

After posting this I noticed some strange behavior. I was getting ping packets fine and nmap was showing the https service for my new firewall. The problem was when I would navigate to my new firewall management site it wouldn't work. I would get ssl_error_rx_record_too_long on firefox and timeouts on Chrome.

I opened up Wireshark and noticed the return traffic for SSL was severely delayed and appeared malformed.

What I missed in my instructions is that VXLAN takes up 50 bytes for encapsulation, so for the endpoints within the internal network I had to set a custom MTU of 1450 so that the VXLAN encapsulation could happen within the 1500 limit of the interface.

After configuring this on one of the internal machines and it worked to get to the site I thought maybe I had to also configure the 1450 MTU on the firewall's internal interface. I did that and was immediately getting some rapid connect and drops on my home network so I reverted that change. I really don't know why changing the MTU on the internal interface of the firewall would cause that on my main network but it did, so I reverted it. It seems any device on that internal LAN will need the MTU change other than the firewall, for all the traffic to work properly.

Now it looks like the next thing to do is to start putting various machines behind the new routers to start segmenting my lab network, and get it off of the flat network for increased security and traffic isolation and control.

The Proxmox guide I linked earlier will give more details on the 50 byte allocation for VXLAN.

@zrail @r3pek @junq

#homelab #proxmox #networking #sdn #vxlan #ovs #selfhosted #selfhostingmastodon #mtu

Last updated 2 years ago

What's unique in my instance (currently invite-only/closed) Mastodon front end:

- 9000 characters limit
- Profile badges
- Large link previews

These are not (yet) part of any of the official versions.

I love it! :meow_heart:

#mastodon #selfhostedmastodon #selfhostingmastodon #mastodonadmin #mastodonadmins

Last updated 2 years ago

Just added a large link preview style to my instance with these steps:

This kind of thing should really be a default on Mastodon. Glad I'm an admin and can do whatever I want.

#selfhosting #selfhostingmastodon #mastodonadmin #mastodonadmins #mastodon #mastodonfeatures

Last updated 2 years ago

Occasional slowness today on my instance which nowadays is quite widespread. Pretty sure it's not solely about my instance but affects all . The influx of users has its costs. Gotta try optimizing and upscaling soon... Tips and boosts always appreciated.

#fediverse #mastodon #mastodonadmin #selfhostingmastodon #selfhostedmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Finally got my off-site toots backup set up with mastodon-archive. All toots, bookmarks, favs etc. are archived hourly to

(On top of this my whole machine and database have off-site + cloud backups set up to run every night)

Powered by: + some nginx and cronjob magic.

#mastodon #selfhostingmastodon #selfhosting

Last updated 2 years ago